A Michael Jackson appearance on American Idol is a possibility, Simon Cowell tells his ex-gal pal, Terri Seymour at Extra and he says that Jackson would be crazy not to do it.
I think Idol would be crazy to book him. It’s one thing to have the kids sing Jackson’s songs, but an appearance from Jacko would rub some viewers the wrong way, considering the scandal and persistent rumors involving his behavior around underage boys. His reputation has turned into crap here in the US.
Britain may be a different story, as Jackson is scheduled to perform 50 shows in London that have already sold out. Simon is trying to get Jackson on his British show, X Factor, and that may be a possibility if he doesn’t have a meltdown first. To be honest, I have a hard time believing that Jackson, with his history of emotional and physical problems, will be able to keep to his grueling schedule.
In other news, Simon again name checks Adam Lambert as his favorite boy and “Little” Lil Rounds (whatever her name is!) as his favorite girl, but adds that people who are front runners in the beginning often fall out of favor. Hm.