Alek & Lindsay – Tango

The “True Blood” theme is the inspiration for this tango. Alek doesn’t find himself to be a sexy guy. I disagree. Humility and a bit of awkward charm is sexy. Lindsay tries to make Alek feel sexy in a funny skit with… I think audience members who were planted thee. I don’t know. Very cool. I am impressed, yet again. This is a totally committed tango. Great footwork. Great frame. He is in character and Lindsay has choreographed beautifully. I don’t know if this is technically the best dance of the night but so far, it is my favorite. There is something totally wonderful about seeing a complete non-dancer work his way toward becoming a standout.

Bruno found it compelling. He is really impressed how well Alek is improving. Carrie Ann agrees with Bruno that there was a minor mistake but she loves watching him dance. Alfonso said Alek danced like a hero tonight. Julianne didn’t see the mistake and she thought it was perfection. Julianne thinks Alek has the best technique of anyone in the competition and she praises Lindsay as well.
Carrie Ann- 8
Alfonso- 8
Julianne- 9
Bruno- 8
Total: 33/40