David Archuleta – More on Papagate

Rickey covered the story this morningDavid Archuleta’s vocal coach ran interference for the family on the CBS Early Show Monday morning. I clipped the interview later in the afternoon, and when I went back to check a few hours later, it had over 1000 hits!

This story still has legs! It continues to wind it’s way through the news cycle.

Randy Jackson weighs in in an interview with The Canadian Press. Besides predicting a David and David finale, he downplays Papagate while at the same time admitting that stage parents can make the Idol experience even more stressful for a contestant:

“We’re never backstage and we don’t have that interaction with the contestants at all, ” Jackson said from Los Angeles. “I think there’s probably more of a press story there than a reality.”

Still, Jackson admitted that parents can make a tough situation tougher by adding to the anxiety of a youngster already shaken by the prospect of singing live on television.

“It’s hard on the kids, regardless, ” he said of the weekly “Idol” broadcast.

“You can put yourself back into high school where your parents are at every show, every stage play, every game, every whatever. I think it’s the added pressure – you want to do good in front of them. … I think the show’s tough on these kids when you imagine that 25 or 30 million people could be watching you that night.”

Indeed, Jeff Archuleta isn’t Idol’s first stage-parent-from-hell according to the stories I’ve heard…

And there is more. Read what MTV, New York Magazine, Idolator, Good Morning America, and Entertainment Weekly have to say. ABC News even has a pictorial review of famous showbiz stage parents!

How will Archie do without Daddy running interference with the Idol staff on his behalf? It’s one more stress for David, probably one he doesn’t need. While there’s always rehearsal time back at the apartment, and cell phone calls that can be made throughout the day, when push comes to shove, it’s going to be Davey vs the Idol staff. I think the Idol staff will win ’cause Davey isn’t use to sticking up for himself. With the Idol staff in a position to exert some influence, David’s performances will likely take on some new dimensions.

It won’t matter, however. I agree with the pundits who think this will be a win-win situation for Archie. If he stinks up the joint, he’ll get a flood of pity votes. If he’s good, there will be much ohhing and ahhing over his ability to succeed without Daddy Dearest.

I’m thinking there is more to this story than is being reported. The whole Sean Kingston/Beautiful Girls kerfuffle may have been a handy excuse to finally get Daddy, who had become a huge pain in the ass, out of the Idol staff’s hair, and also away from the contestants as they prepare for the last push to the Idol crown. If the worst is true–that Daddy has been harassing the contestants–he should have been kicked to the curb weeks ago, not the last two weeks of the competition. It’s going to be an interesting week.

Video after the JUMP…

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!