Danny Gokey Blogs On

Danny Gokey posted his first blog on the website for his foundation for underprivileged kids, Sophia’s Heart, started in honor of his late wife, Sophia.

Danny, in his typically candid fashion has a lot to say about his life during and after Idol, particularly about his detractors, who he feels misunderstood him.   Danny admits to googling his name, and reading everything written about him. Oops!

He also admits to sticking his foot in his mouth sometimes, and realizes he could use a little PR coaching. Well, that’s a start!

Danny envisions a music career that will intertwine   entertainment with his “movement”, as Danny likes to call his non-profit activities.

He feels sad that some folks assumed he “hated certain groups of people whose lifestyles or beliefs were contrary to mine.” Danny assures you, dear reader, that he’s got unconditional love for everyone.

The blog reads like an expanded version of the little sermon he preached during his summer tour set. I hope next time, he blogs about his upcoming album.

Currently, he’s recording tracks for his debut album, set to be released by 19r/Sony Nashville early next year.   Danny has tweeted that the first single will be released sometime in November.

Read the entire blog HERE.   Read an excerpt after the jump…

I have to admit, I felt over my head so many times and questioned myself as to why and what was I doing.   It’s interesting to see how ones life will undergo intense scrutiny when put into a spotlight.   At one moment, people loved me and the next moment people hated me’ ¦at least that is what I felt. I couldn’t figure it out although I must confess, I desperately needed to attend some kind of media training class and even some T.V. etiquette.   The show is so popular.   At times I felt we were tossed to the media and asked so many questions.   Sometimes the good intentions deep in my heart were not properly conveyed through the words that were spilling out of my big mouth.

I remember many times I would walk out of interviews kicking myself in the butt saying ‘Why did I say that?’  or  ‘I should of said it like this’ .   There were even times I would ask the interviewer not to air a certain thing I said because I would unintentionally say it all wrong.  I look back on those days and I laugh…and I laugh hard; almost as hard as I did when I belted out that ‘blood curdling’  scream at the end of my performance of ‘Dream On’ .    As you can see, I was thrust into an arena of which I knew nothing about and walked in the massive spotlight very ‘green’  behind the ears.

The reason why I laugh now is because I was one of the many contestants who would go online and ‘google’  my name to see what the media outlets and local blogs were saying about me.   I read it all, the good, the bad, the ugly, and sometimes just complete nonsense.   It was definitely a whole lot to take in for a boy who just only really sang in the church and now wanted to pursue a career in the mainstream market.   I could go into detail and share with you the terrible things that were said, written and taken out of context, but they don’t matter anymore.   I learned the important lesson of never allowing what other people say about me to define me.   I’ve learned that when you let other people’s negative words sink deep into your heart, you’ll sometimes succumb to the pressure and sink back, never fulfilling your purpose.   Admittedly, it took me a little while to finally let those fabrications role off my back, allowing me to rise above it all.  Internally from that point forward, I made it up in my heart and mind that I was going to be very forward about my dream and not allow people to influence me just because they didn’t understand me.   If you have not already learned, you will eventually learn that some people are going to flat out despise you no matter what you say or what you do.   Please understand I’m not trying to be the ‘party pooper, ‘  but once you lock this concept in like I did, you will make the right choice to just brush it off, rise above it, and move on towards your dream or particular goal.

About mj santilli 35180 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!