Tonight it’s the Dancing with the Stars Semi-finals!
Lance and Lacey had the best night of their DWTS run tonight, and lead the board with a total score of 57. There’s no doubt these two are going to make it into the semi-finals. As well they should. Brooke and Derek totally effed up their jive, but brought it back some with a decent samba. At this stage in the game, it’s pretty obvious that Warren isn’t the best dancer out there, but he’s fun to watch. That leaves poor Cody, who has had to deal with losing a partner, getting her back again and having to make adjustments all along the way. Julianne, back from some pretty major surgery, isn’t quite 100% in the swing of things. And Cody’s always been awkward on the dance floor, even on his best nights. Tonight, wasn’t one of his best. The couple’s paso doble was like some bizarre German march gone awry, and their Samba was anything but sexy. Cody had the lowest score, 46. Warren and Brooke tied in the middle for a score of 49.
I think Len is right. Cody is going home this week, leaving Lance and Lacey, Brooke and Derek and Warren and Kym in the Finals next week.
Tomorrow, the kids competition is going to be decided during the big re-cap show. Damn, I guess that means I’m going to have to watch it! And then the results show is jam-packed with performances: Julianne Hough, Leona Lewis and John Legend will perform. Plus, last season’s winners, Kristy and Mark, will make a triumphant return. And finally, the Queen of Soul, Aretha Franklin makes an appearance. Wow!
Live recap and videos after the JUMP…
Brooke and Derek – The Jive – Well, I’ve seen the jive danced way better on the show this season. And Len calls it a disaster! Bruno said, “Your technique went down the toilet.” “Aww, Brooke, ” says Carrie Ann. She calls Brooke out on an illegal lift! Ouchie! Carrie Ann – 7, Len – 7, Bruno – 7 – 21 – Their lowest score of the whole season – 1-800-868-3405
Cody and Julianne – The Paso Doble – Julianne is back! She choreographs a Paso that makes the most of Cody’s stiff ungainliness. Bruno thinks the dance was a too little out there. Carrie Ann gives it a 10 for determination. Len thinks the couple will get their “marching orders” this week. Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 7, Bruno – 7, 22 – 1-800-868-3401
Warren and Kym – The Mambo – So, it turns out Warren has been traveling from coast to coast every week, just like Susan Lucci, in order to tape Inside the NFL. Only he’s never mentioned it. Until now. Warren is doing great! So light on his feet, and as always he looks like he’s having a blast. Carrie Ann says the dance lacks a little content. Len says his personality makes up for lack of technique. Bruno calls it flat-footed, but very engaging. Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 8, Bruno – 8 – 24 – 1-800-868-3413
Lance and Lacey – The Mambo – Lance’s dad and grandfather drop by for a visit. Best dance so far! Sexy, and so much fun. Go Lance and Lacey! Len says the dance is their best so far. Bruno calls it semi-final material. Carrie Ann declares, “A showstopper.” Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 9, Bruno – 9 – 28 – 1-800-868-3407
Brooke and Derek are at the bottom of the Leader board! Next, each couple dances one of the new dances introduced this season. Plus, they get a masterclass from Len.
Pros Paul Barris and Yosinea Adame show us how the samba is done. I guess 8 dances can’t fill 90 minutes.
Brooke and Derek – The Salsa – Lucky for them this dance is much better than their jive. They should make up some points in this round. Bruno says, “Brooke is back…Thank you! Thank You.” Carrie Ann says, “There were lifts in there, but they were all appropriate!” So much for the lift police! Len says, “You’re crisp, you’re clear…great technique.” Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 10, Bruno – 9 – 28 – Total – 49
Cody and Julianne – The Salsa – Cody still looks like a giant goofball out there. That was a major-ass (clunky!) lift in the middle of that routine. Carrie Ann says it was a lot of fun, but the musicality was lacking. Len really enjoyed it. Bruno tells Cody he has to work on his technique if he makes it to the finals next week. Carrie Ann – 8, Len – 8, Bruno – 8 – 24 – Total – 46
Pros Christian Perry and Annette Nicole dance the jitterbug
Warren and Kym – The Jitterbug – Warren hasn’t improved his technique any, but in his case it doesn’t matter. He’s still fun to watch. Len calls him a truly joyful person to watch. Bruno says, “Your feet were all over the place…” Carrie Ann thought he brought his A game back. Carrie Ann – 9, Len – 8, Bruno – 25 – Total – 49.
Lance and Lacey – The Jitterbug – Ha ha, there goes Lance’s shoe! This is wild! Awesome. They should have the highest scores of the night. Bruno calls it brilliant, and invokes Gene Kelly and Ann Miller. Carrie Ann agrees. She calls it magic on the dance floor. Len says, “You came out tonight and danced two fabulous dances.” Aww, Lance’s grandfather is crying. Carrie Ann – 10, Len – 9, Bruno – 10 – 29 – Total – 57