Dancing with the Stars 21 Week 4 Alexa and Mark – Foxtrot VIDEO

Alexa picked 2000. It was the year she booked Spy Kids. Alexa didn’t like the comments by Alfonso last week concerning Carlos. This week, she is dancing her first ballroom routine of the season. Cute concept and choreography by Mark. Alexa starting off strong, a few problems begin to show as the dance goes on. First, Alexa’s hold goes in and out in terms of being correct. At times, on point. At other times, it was off. Hold that frame Alexa! Second, she lost her steps towards the end. She completely messed up and got lost. Mark tried very hard to help her find her footing but the dance never really recovered to what it was before. A decent first attempt at a ballroom routine but she needs to keep on practicing if she is going to do better in other styles like a quickstep.

Click to Read: DWTS 21 Week 4 Live Blog and Performance VIDEOS

Julianne says it will be an emotional night but they have to judge the dance. She found it fun and entertaining but mentions the mishap at the end. Bruno says Alexa missed the train but did find her way. He wants her to lift from the waist and keep the body contact. Carrie Ann enjoyed seeing Alexa’s theatricality. She liked the strength combined with elegance.
Carrie Ann- 7
Julianne- 7
Bruno- 7
Total: 21/30