Carly Smithson – Carly’s Got a Manager and Madonna Likes Todd’s Tattoos!

Some Carly Smithson news for you peeps who aren’t signed up for her newsletter.

The following are some highlights from the newsletter, culled from a chat she did with fans recently:

  • Carly has signed with a manager named Arthur Spivak. He has a lot of experience in the music industry and has worked with Tori Amos, Vanessa Carlton, Collective Soul & Paul Reiser to name a few.
  • Carly has been writing new music and spending time in the studio. Marie is going to film a bit of Carly in the studio and she will post it on her myspace page for everyone to see (& hear) what she has been working on.
  • The duet with Michael Johns will be delayed a while as Carly and Michael have decided to focus on their own projects first, though they have already picked out 2 songs.
  • Carly also shared that she and Todd went backstage at the Madonna concert and he was asked to join the Madonna tour as their tattoo artist and that she is getting her geisha tattoo finished on November 14th.
  • She would like us all to help support a little girl she met in Utah named Emma. You can learn about Emma at

Carly has a manager, and is working hard on her music. Looks like we’ll be getting a behind the scenes look at her working in the studio soon. I’ll post that up when it’s available.

Carly’s husband was asked to join the Madonna tour…as their official Tattoo artist? WTF? That’s a full time job? Really? It appears that he turned it down. He runs a Tattoo shop in San Diego, no time to go traipsing around the country tattooing Madonna and her crew. Seriously.

I took a glance at the site, and although the site hasn’t been updated in awhile, it looks like little Emma has been struggling with several illnesses and may need a liver transplant in the future. Check out the site if you want to help.

For more on Carly check out her official My Space and Carly’s Angels.

About mj santilli 35078 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!