Big Brother 17 Brings Back The Twin Twist – See the Season 5 Version (VIDEO)

Big Brother returned to the airwaves tonight for the reality competition’s 17th season. Host Julie Chen wasted no time introducing several new twists that will prove to be interesting…or maybe not!

Eight cast members were introduced tonight, and you can read all about that in the full Big Brother 17 premiere recap. The learned what we already knew–the big twist of the season is that there will be new twists introduced every single week. The oohing and ahhhing immediately commenced as soon as Julie unveiled the BB Takeover twist. It even has its own theme music!

Julie also introduced a “fan favorite” twist–the return of the “Battle of the Block.” Which to be honest, I don’t remember many fans really liking? But in any case, BoB is back, which means there will be two Heads of Household crowned every week. After they each nominate two houseguests for eviction, they’ll all compete to see which HoH prevails, and which two nominated houseguests will remain on the block.

But speaking of return twists–there was a third twist that Julie only revealed to viewers. It’s the “Twin Twist,” which was introduced for the first time in season 5. One of the new houseguests has an identical twin who will be switched out with their sibling throughout the competition. My first reaction to scenario was: No WAY fellow houseguests wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. But believe it or not, Season 5 twins, Adria and Natalie switched places TEN TIMES and nobody caught on. After the girls survived for five weeks, the twist was finally revealed and they were both able to play the game.

According to reports, Liz Nolan is the houseguest with the twin who will switch places with her in the house. She’ll enter the game on Wednesday.


Watch Julie unveil the “twin twist” to the seemingly unsuspecting season 5 houseguests. The video also recaps how the twist worked. It may not roll out in exactly the same way, but this video probably illustrates how things will generally go down. Hilariously, when Julie teases the twist, one of the guys is sure it was someone else. Honestly HOW DO YOU NOT KNOW? Even between identical twins, there are subtle physical and personality differences. And get this–the two only had 15 minutes to catch each other up on the game before they switched places. Since this is the second go-around, and there are several BB experts in this bunch, I’m thinking the ruse won’t go down as successfully.

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!