Big Brother 16 Live Feeds Spoilers (Week 10 Power of Veto Results)

Find out who won this week’s coveted Power of Veto here:

Caleb is the HoH and he nominated Christine and Nicole for eviction. The houseguests chosen to play for the Power of Veto were Cody, Derrick, and Victoria (Frankie was the only one not chosen).

Christine won the Power of Veto.

Christine winning the Power of Veto seals Nicole’s fate. Nicole was the target, but there was a slight chance that Christine may have been evicted instead. However, we won’t know if that plan really would’ve followed through since Christine won the Veto and will take herself off the block. Now Caleb will put Victoria in Christine’s place to ensure Nicole gets evicted on Thursday. So unless something crazy happens, Nicole will be evicted for the second time on Thursday. Her only chance is if Caleb is somehow talked into putting up Frankie to get him out instead; Cody and Derrick have been throwing him under the bus to Caleb. However, I doubt Caleb would try to backdoor Frankie, so it looks like we’ll be saying goodbye to Nicole once again this week.

About Steven Curtis 562 Articles
Steven is a graduate of the University of West Florida with a bachelor's degree in communication arts. He enjoys watching reality competition shows, such as American Idol, Survivor, Big Brother, and The Amazing Race.