Tonight is going to be really hard to call. Every act brought it tonight and with only 6 advancing, predicting how things are going to end up is going to be hard. Anyway, here are my predictions.
I’d Eat My Computer If They Don’t Advance:
1- Emily West– Yet again, Emily delivers an incredible performance. Singing late in the show and giving an epic performance means she should sail right through this round.
2- Mat Franco– I see him potentially winning now at this point. In my opinion, he was the best magic act of the night. He is sailing through. Mat and Emily are currently my ideal top 2 at this point.
Likely Going To Advance:
AcroArmy– Wow did these guys put on a show. They definitely delivered and are just so compelling to watch! I’m pretty sure they will be advancing tonight. Here is the thing though, can they still win? I have never heard of an act that needed to be saved winning, but maybe there is a first time for everything.
Miguel Dakota– Urgh, I kinda now want him to go home, but with a pimp spot and just straight out being a WGWG, I’m pretty sure he will advance. His performance last night was a huge step back, and with some bussing from the judges, his fans are probably gonna go into overdrive voting mode to save him. Sigh…. he is probably gonna end up stealing Blue Journey’s spot. I hope somehow he gets cut, but with so much going for him, I don’t see him not advancing.
Heading Home On The Bus of Shame:
Please keep in mind, that with tonight being so crazy full of talent, this is going to be a hard group to fill. However, someone has to go home.
Christian Stoinev– I feel bad for the guy. I know that no matter what he did tonight, his fate seemed sealed. In fact, Howard even foreshadowed him being sent home with his comment that he can sleep knowing he did his best; like saying you did the most you could, but there was really nothing you could do to save yourself. There is an off chance he could be a spoiler and snag a spot, but I highly doubt that happening. Cutting back on the dog was smart, but with his act, most people only like him for the dog gimmick, but if he did more dog in the act the judges would have really trashed him. Regardless, his fate is sealed.
Mara Justine– Wow the producers really want her gone. Putting her in the death slot really hurt her chances and while yes on Youtube there is a better version of her performance, I’d bet the majority of the audience didn’t go look it up. Emily West is a much more controlled singer and I’d bet after she sang, everyone forgot Mara. Don’t get me wrong, I love Mara and think she is incredible, but at this stage the talent is beyond her and I think she is going home.
David and Leeman– If they go through I will cry. Yes, they are talented but Mat, and heck, even Mike Super, are way more compelling and entertaining then them! Like last time, I predicted they would be the spoilers, and I have the same feeling again. I hope I’m wrong and we say goodbye to them. They have overstayed their visit longer then I expected.
Could Go Either Way–
Blue Journey– I’m in denial. I know they got bussed pretty badly and I know they now barely have a shot of advancing, but I’m still holding onto my somewhat desperate hope they pull off a miracle. Their only shot in my eyes is if the final 2 are up to the judges, and while I hope it happens, I’m starting to believe it won’t. I’m seriously gonna miss them.
Dariel and Emil– I have loved these guys from the beginning and they are one of the few remaining that I had on my original top 10 best auditions. Tonight was kind of a set back, but nonetheless, I’m still pretty sure they have a great chance of advancing. They got some minor bussing, but I don’t think it will stop them. Worst case scenario for these guys is they have to face the judges, but even if they do, they would probably get the vote to advance. I’m still waiting on that Smooth Criminal cover!
Quintavious Johnson– Then we get to Quintavious. This kid can wail some incredible notes and has always delivered. The judges love him, and stood for him so he has an excellent shot of advancing.
Mike Super– Okay, so I was watching this performance with a friend of mine who is also a magician and he was a huge fan of this guy, so he definitely has people who have known him from his past work. Personally, I don’t really like Mike, I think Mat is much better then him, but the judges go crazy for him so I think he has a very slim chance of advancing. For me, I see it coming down to him and E&D for the last spot.
Sons Of Serendip- These guys never took a step back. I have greatly enjoyed them and their performances and never have anything bad to say about them. However, I think it is time for us to say goodbye to them. As I said, I have been a huge fan, and I wouldn’t be mad if they made it through, but now, there are only 6 acts going through and I have pretty much nailed down who those will be. Again, they have always delivered and are incredible to watch, but now there are just better acts that are going to go through. I would love it if they managed to steal Miguel’s spot from him, but I don’t see it happening.
Should Go Through:
1- Emily West
2- Mat Franco
3- AcroArmy
4- Blue Journey
5- Emil and Dariel
6- Judges pick between Quintavious Johnson and Sons of Serendip (Quintavious advancing)
Hard one to call, but here are my official predictions for who will advance.
Will Go Through:
1- Emily West
2- Mat Franco
3- AcroArmy
4- Miguel Dakota
5- Quintavious Johnson
6- Judges pick between Emil and Dariel and Mike Super (Emil and Dariel advancing)
Note: Look out for David and Leeman or Christian Stoinev potentially being the spoilers of this round.
Adam’s Still Early Prediction To Win: Emily West, AcroArmy or Mat Franco
So those are my thoughts, what are yours? Sound off in the comments! Also, if you think I’m cool, you can always follow me @adamhsamuel on Twitter.