America’s Got Talent 2015 Audition 2 – The Craig Lewis Band

Click for Adam’s full America’s Got Talent Audition 2 Recap

Next up is a montage about food. Everyone is eating in the holding room! The judges have a special dinner all together. This leads us into our next act… somehow. The CraigLewis Band is a duo who love to perform at places that give them free food. Yep, thats why we had that entire montage. And then…. they proceed to kinda kill “It’s A Mans Mans World”. Not a fan of the overdone song (sooooooo overdone), but dang these two guys have great voices! Howie says they deserve a million dollar buffet. Thank you for that Howie, your words of wisdom are always appreciated. The duo get 4 yeses and are through to the next round!