American Idol 14 Recap Semifinals Results Top 8 Boys VIDEO
We’re live blogging the American Idol 14 Top 16 BOYS Results and PERFORMANCES! Who will be eliminated? What will the Top 8 sing? Stick around to find out.
UPDATE: Let me get this straight. Aretha Franklin “mentored” the Top 24, but we’ll just have to take the show’s word for it? I expected her to be included in the little video clips that preceded the contestants’ performances. Instead, we got Aretha briefly singing “I Will Survive” at the top of the show, an introduction to the cold open–and that was it from the Queen of Soul. Will we see more of her tomorrow, maybe?
We finally got to meet the in-house mentor, Scott Borchetta, who has been working with the contestants since Hollywood Week. I would love to see some of that footage! But so far, due to time constraints probably, we’ve only gotten tonight’s brief introduction. Scott raved about the constants and the “buzz” he’s been hearing on line. Best season of Idol in years! And there are several “artists” in this year’s crop, he says. Hopefully when we’re back to two hour shows we’ll actually see some of Scott’s mentoring.
The eliminations. I am really disappointed that Savion Wright left the show. He was the big feel good comeback. But he was more than a good backstory, he returned to the show stronger than ever and it was a horrible song choice that did him in. A shame. I would have traded him in a minute for the boring Mark Andrew, who managed to be even duller this week. I would have also swapped Savion for the clownish Adam Ezegalien. He was better this week, but I can tell the retro rock shtick is going to get on my nerves. Trevor Douglas and Bria Riley also fell victim to poor song choices. IT’S THE SONG CHOICES STUPID! First rule of Idol!
Riley had a very marketable country pop sound. But he was never able to distinguish himself from the pack. Trevor got off to such a great start. He’s so musical and fun to watch. But his hyper stage persona ruined his vocal performances two weeks in a row. I’m not surprised he’s gone. It’s too bad. He had the potential to be the Ed Sheeran of Season 14.
My favorites tonight were Clark Beckham, Rayvon Owen, Qaasim Middleton, and Quentin Alexander. The guys, overall, seemed more comfortable on stage this week. I’m looking forward to the gang getting back to Los Angeles to entertain us some more!
The judges were able to dish critiques that were a little meatier tonight. I think they’re off to a good start as far as the “live” shows are concerned. Some of the audition antics wore thin, but I still think this team is a great judges panel.
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American Idol 14 Spoilers – Top 16 Boys Results and Songs
American Idol 14 Spoilers – Top 16 Girls Results and Songs
The show opens with this week’s mentor, Aretha Franklin, singing “I Will Survive.” She’s the QUEEN OF SOUL! Quick cuts to the contestants ROCKING OUT in the audience. She introduces the cold open after her short performance.
Ryan Seacrest will call each singer in performance order. The four who are left will be eliminated.
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Daniel Seavey – “How Sweet It Is (To Be Loved By You)” by Marvin Gaye – Still not down with Daniel’s vocals. The band swallowed him up. He was no match for them. The last note was rough. However. He is as cute as a button, admittedly. Adorable, actually. Keith thought it was a good song choice. Keep doing what he’s doing, he advises. He encourages him to play more with the melody. Jlo thinks he’s having more fun. The song was two low for him, though. Harry felt he needed to swing harder with the band. “Sing that shuffle” he says. – 1-866-436-5701 – Text 1 to 21523
Mark Andrew – “Papa Was A Rolling Stone” by The Temptations – Hey Mark. There’s this thing called melody. You aren’t really singing any here. Mark has a limited range. It works OK on some songs, but I’m not feeling this. Except for the last ad lib–I liked that. Jlo wasn’t moved by the song. She didn’t connect. Harry liked the arrangement, but it was too jam bandy. Harry thinks if he keeps that up, it will hurt him. Didn’t hurt Phillip Phillips one bit, Harry. Keith is glad he’s here. – 1-866-436-5702 – Text 2 to 21523
Rayvon Owen – “My Girl” by The Temptations – Rayvon is so unusual in the very best way! His runs are always so unexpected, and tonight was no exception. WHOA! Is my typical reaction to Rayvon’s silky smooth, unique stylings. But I agree with Harry. Rayvon will need to take some risks eventually. Maybe push a harder edge. Harry thought everything about that was strong. He loved his presence. He wants to see the other side of nice and sweet. Keith wanted more “weight” in the performance. Jlo thought he did a great job – 1-866-436-5703 – Text 3 to 21523
Adam Ezegelian – “I Want You Back” by The Jackson 5 – Not annoyed as I was last week. I actually like this bluesy arrangement. Adam is a little too growly for my tastes. The sounds he’s making aren’t entirely pleasant, to be honest. He was made to sing metal or hard rock. He brings tons of energy to the performance, which is a good thing on Idol. He may not be going anywhere soon. “Perfect song for you,” says Keith. Jlo loved the arrangement and the band and Adam. Harry loves his strong, thick high notes. Nailed every note, he says. – 1-866-436-5704 – Text 4 to 21523
We are finally introduced to Scott Borchetta! He sees a lot of artists in this bunch. “I have such a buzz about what’s going on.”
“Clark is one of the best singers we got.” says Scott when Ryan asks. And he’s next! Clark looked so jazzed when Scott complimented him.
Clark Beckham – “Tracks Of My Tears” by Smokey Robinson – I’m in love with the texture of Clark’s voice. His high notes are sublime tonight. Scott looks really happy! Clark accompanies himself on electric guitar, lending a groove to “Track of My Tears” like I’ve never heard before. I’m used to it performed as a ballad, but I’m liking this. He tacks on a gospelly coda to the end. I was NOT expecting that! Jlo thinks he’s amazing, but he needs to bring even more heart into his performance. He could go all the way. Harry felt it needed a beginning middle and end. Keith thought he should have ditched the band, performed it with only a guitar, and maybe broke a few hearts. I liked that a lot more than the judges did. I felt the urgency in that performance. – 1-866-436-5705 – Text 5 to 21523
Nick Fradiani, Jr. – “Signed, Sealed, Delivered” by Stevie Wonder – The always soulful, competent and confident Nick accompanies himself on acoustic guitar. A good song pick for him. He doesn’t change up the arrangement much, though. It’s a little karaoke compared to the performances that preceded him. Nick’s going to have to shake it up a little soon. Harry liked it, but thought he should have smiled more. Keith asks if he plays the guitar much. Ouch. He didn’t feel he looked comfortable–maybe he should have ditched the instrument and moved around more. Jennifer thinks he smiles enough! –1-866-436-5706 – Text 6 to 21523
Qaasim Middleton – “I Wish” by Stevie Wonder – OMG I LOVE THIS GUY! I smiled all the way through that performance–from the way he played with the mic, to his hair swinging dance moves–THAT WAS FABULOUS. I disagree with Harry, I think he lost the vocals the more excited he got. But Qaasim has some real interesting phrasing that makes up for that. “So good man! Watching you in front of an audience is what it’s all about. You just explode,” says Keith. “You so damn funky. It’s crazy! You own that stage,” says Jlo. She cautions him to watch the vocals. Harry thought everything about that was good. “That’s what we’re looking for,” says Harry –1-866-436-5707 – Text 7 to 21523
Oy. The guys who are left. It’s obvious who is going through and who is not.
Quentin Alexander – “Master Blaster” by Stevie Wonder – Not as dramatic or impressive as last week’s performance. Without the theatrics, Quentin’s vocal limitations are exposed. But he does, as Harry said, lay down a nice groove. I’m not convinced he should have had the pimp spot, though. I would have given it to Clark or Qaasim. Jlo is so glad he’s here! It kills her to say goodbye to the rest though. Quentin is one of her favs. Harry loved the way he laid into the groove. He felt a little bit of reservation, only because he was freaked out to be the last called. Keith compliments him for knowing who he is, calls the performance “a bullseye” – 1-866-436-5708 – Text 8 to 21523
Ryan waves goodbye to the four eliminated contestants before he brings out the Top 8.
Savion Wright
Riley Bria
Michael Simeon
Trevor Douglas