America’s Got Talent 7 – You Tube Auditions – Results and Video

Live blogging America’s Got Talent. Tonight, 12 You Tube acts will audition will perform for a spot in the semi-finals.

It’s THE YOU TUBE SNAPPLE SHOW!!! Don’t forget the SNAPPLE part. PRODUCT PLACEMENT. These should be bad. What works on You Tube, doesn’t necessarily work on TV. We’ll see.

Nick just called Sharon “irreplaceable.” Ha. Howard is READY TO JUDGE. Howard says we are in for a crazy show, and reminds us that skeery child opera singer, Jackie Evancho was a You Tube audition.

Whoa. Tonight was a total trainwreck of talent free acts. These You Tube acts DO NOT translate well to the big stage! To be honest, there isn’t ONE AGT act over the entire course of this competition so far that I care about. Ugh. I hate recapping this show.

Clint Carvallo – Exotic Parrots – He treats his parrots like he would a son. Kitten the Parrot is up. Clint called kitten via walkie talkie from a building yards and yards away. She flew the whole way to his arm on the stage. He swears he’s got a ton of stunts just like it. Sharon was surprised it wasn’t a magic trick. Howard thinks it’s impressive and that he deserves another shot. – 1-866-602-4801

Reverse Order – “I Kissed a Girl” – Pop rock band from Hackensack NJ – Howard really really wants a band on the show. Didn’t some horrible group sing this earlier in the competition? This song TOTALLY LOSES IT’S RELEVANCE WHEN A GUY SINGS IT. The song is about discovering something new about your sexuality. I’m WAITING WAITING WAITING for day a guy sings the song and changes the gender to BOY. Anyway. THEY SUCKED. Really sloppy. Howard says they need more time to develop. Howie agrees. He thinks they looked like guys acting like a rock band rather than being it. Sharon says they look good together, and if they wanted to be a rock band, their song choice was odd. – 1-866-602-4802

Rudy Coby – Illusionist – Dude was Marilyn Manson’s designer and best friend. Wow. Whatever that act was, involving a puppet that turns into a giant goth marionette from hell, it went pretty wrong. It took TOO long to get to the point.. Howard thought it was boring. It needs to be tightened up. Howie thought the middle part was dull, but artistically was very exciting. He loved it. Sharon feels he has no sense of timing. – 1-866-602-4803

7 in Unison – Teenaged Dance Act – They perform a jazz routine to “Fever”. Oh no. Who buzzed them? They aren’t bad, but they aren’t anything special, either. Very school recital. Howie X’d them because he wasn’t wowed by them. He thinks the best dancers should be highlighted, instead of everyone dancing in unison. Sharon didn’t see anything special. She didn’t like the track. Howard decides not to pile on. But, that they need to feel the audience–they might have gotten board. 90 seconds felt like 90 minutes. Well. HE piled on anyway. Nobody is crying after that. So good for them. – 1-866-602-4804

Drew Erwin – “Torn” by Natalie Imbruglia – Sixteen year old football player who broke his hand. He couldn’t play football, so he taught himself to play guitar. His dad submitted his You Tube and became America’s pick. He’s all fresh scrubbed midwestern cute. But he’s not good. At All. He knows 3 chords and can’t sing on key. So…I’m guessing the teen girls went crazy voting for him. Sharon calls him a totally rookie. She’s being nice by saying he did extremely well. Howie agrees with Sharon and realizes he was nervous. He needs more experience. Howard tells him he’s not ready for the competition. “The idea that we can be stars in 10 minutes is a fallacy…especially in music,” says Howard. – 1-866-602-4805

Melinda Hill – Stand up comedian – UGGGHHHH. These jokes are falling so flat. Why am I even recapping this show? She’s not even getting laughs. Oh. a scattering of boos. Sad. Howard thought she started out strong, and then lost the audience. She picked the wrong material for tonight. Howie says she was really funny on You Tube, but tonight not good. Sharon loved the beginning. Says it wasn’t her night. Is disappointed because she was one of the few good looking female comedian’s. WHAT? – 1-866-602-4806

Eric Buss – This guy can’t describe his act. Dude got buzzed by Howard and Sharon almost immediate. I have no idea what he’s doing. He built machines that shoot out what looks like styrofoam worms. If this worked on You Tube, it’s totally failing on television. Howie doesn’t think it’s a million dollar act. Howard called it a colossal waste of time. Called the act boring. – 1-866-602-4807

Romeo Dance Cheetah – Air guitar guy – WTF??? This is so pointless. Some guy dancing around the stage like a drunk a-hole. Granted, this may be kind of funny on You Tube…BUT IT’S NOT AN ACT. FAIL FAIL FAIL. He’s getting some boos. Howard wants to know whose idea it was to have a You Tube night. Howard does not think air guitar is a talent. It looks like he’s playing himself. Howie thinks he’s put TOO much time into air guitar. – 1-866-602-4808

The Magic of Puck – Magician – He spends a lot of time on the road away from his family. Oh. It’s a dancing handkerchief. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Why hasn’t anyone buzzed this dude yet? Howard thinks he does what he does really well. But he’s got to bring something bigger and better. Howie thinks he has talent and luck, because everybody else has sucked. He thinks he’ll be voted back in. Sharon thought he was professional, but it was too small. – 1-866-602-4809

Bria Kelly – Gunpowder and Lead – High school girl singer – No guitar. She’s backed by a band. They are totally drowning her out. Holy goat vibrato. She’s probably terrified. But still. She’s no Mirnada Lambert. She’s not even Skylar Laine. She’s totally charisma free. Howard thinks people will remember her. REALLY? No. She’s completely nondescript. Sharon likes her confidence and strong voice, but shouty. Howie calls her the stand out. Uh. That’s not saying much. The talent is so sad, they have to pimp this talent-free teenager. Every act so far, including Bria, has been lamer than lame. – 1-866-602-4810

Cast In Bronze – He plays gian bells with a mask on? I’m a little confused because I stopped paying attention. For some inexplicable reason, he’s playing “Carol of the Bells” I have no words for how terrible tonight’s show is. Sharon is very confused. Join the club. Howie doesn’t understand the concept. NEITHER DO I. Howard says if Hell has a musician, you would be it. – 1-866-602-4811

Academy of Villains – Military dancers? They punish dancers who make mistakes? WHAT? OK. These guy look like GENIUSES compared to everyone else. Not bad, they opened to Queen. The troupe had a creative visual stayle. They will definitely move on to the semifinals. But again, they have NO competition, all the acts were so awful tonight.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!