Rumors, rumors

Katharine McPhee has missed the first week of the Idols concert tour due to illness.  The official word is that she’s suffering from bronchitis and laryngitis.  But of course, ardent Idol fans have always got their tinfoil hats pointed to the skies, and rumors abound.

This article claims that Katharine has been working too hard on her album:

“Katharine McPhee is working so hard on her debut album that she’ s hurting her voice, and sources tell TMZ that FOX is none too happy about it.

In fact, the “American Idol” runner-up has such severe bronchitis and laryngitis that she missed the opening night of the Idols summer tour.”

Ted Casablanca, a gossip columnist from E News Daily reports a sighting of Katharine at a Cosmo Girl shoot this past Thursday:

“Evidently, Kat had come down with a nasty case of ‘severe bronchitis and laryngitis’ and was prescribed ‘total voice rest’ by her doc. As of press time, she didn’t perform the first couple of nights of the tour. Big-time bummer, no?  So, I was more than a little surprised that K. McPhee, supreme sass-follower in the diva shoes first donned by such AI legends as Clay Aiken, showed up for a Cosmo Girl photo shoot on Thursday. Here in Hell-Ay, ‘course.  Katharine, all vivacious sass ‘n’ tude, came to Smashbox Studios in Culver City sans entourage, wearing a denim skirt and wife-beater à la K-Fed. She looked pretty healthy, too, according to my studio spy, who noted she was more voluptuous than it seemed on Idol. I swear, you spies–particularly those of the Idol bent–can be so damn quasi-bitchy sometimes.”
Thing is,  a person with laryngitis can go about their daily lives except, particularly in Katharine’s case, she needs to be on total voice rest.   However, that item sets up a terrible perception–that Katharine is a gad-about-LA while her fellow Idols bust their butts on tour.   Pictures that have surfaced of her swimming at a resort with her boyfriend last Sunday (the other Idols were in New Hampshire rehearsing for the tour) don’t help the situation either, to say the least. 
Hello, PR team?  I think Katharine needs some help…
Katharine getting healthy and back on tour would end ALL the rumors.  Let’s hope that happens soon.
In other Kat news, she is on the cover of this month’s Teen People magazine.  And she recently did a little Q&A with her fans at  Here is a sample:
Q: …what three things will you rely on most in order to sustain you through the exciting challenges ahead…
A:   What a great question!! Well this question was very similar to what I tried to keep in mind during the whole show, to remember what’s important in life and remembering where I came from. I guess the three
things I will rely on are close family and friends, God, and maybe one or two people who I really trust in the business. Like I said I think it’s all about remembering where you came from and not forgetting that just a year ago I was working in a show that paid $20 a performance. If I had to go back to it I would because even then I was glad to do it because at least I was doing it! To me the gift of this all is in the giving. I hope I made sense. Best to you in all you do.