Chris Golightly – More American Idol 9 FOX Promos – Plus “Michelle”

UPDATE: I knew that wouldn’t take long! His name is Chris Golightly, but he also calls himself Orphan. Check out his myspace HERE, and a really terrible dance/electronic song HERE.  ETA:   He really IS an orphan! (My Space) Cue the music! We’re going to be seeing more of this dude, for sure.

thank you angel78

Check out these new (to me) American Idol 9 commercials, after the jump.

Do any of you spoiler experts recognize the blond curly haired guy singing “Stand By Me” in the first video?

The second video is a quick 15 second deal, but you do get a nice montage of some potential candidates.

ETA: Just added another promo. It’s a two parter. The first half introduces the audience to “Michelle” who loves the show. “But Can She Sing?” flashes across the screen. The second part airs a few commercials later: “Did You Guess Right?” Michelle sings…beautifully. The judges advance her to Hollywood.

More promos: HERE and HERE.

Videos after the JUMP…

Stand By Me

15 second promo

“Michelle” Part 1

Michelle Part 2

About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!