The Voice 2 – Quarterfinals Part 1 – Results (VIDEO)

Ashley De La Rosa from Team Christina is eliminated from The Voice.
RaeLynn from Team Blake is eliminated from The Voice

WOW. I did not see that coming.  I was so convinced that RaeLynn was Blake’s pet, I could not imagine him eliminating her under any circumstances. Didn’t Blake say the Nashville was all abuzz over RaeLynn backstage at the ACM’s? Ironically, Blake eliminated RaeLynn after one of her least offensive outings. Erin isn’t as terrible a singer, but she’s got NO charisma.

The contestant whose survival Blake ensures is neither the best vocalist (That would be Jordis Unga, eliminated last night) or the most charismatic (RaeLynn does have personality).  I smell fodder! But to protect whom? Jermaine Paul? Uh. He’s mediocre. So what’s the point? Basically, y’all can stick a fork in Team Blake. It’s done. I suspect Blake will be taking RaeLynnn along on tour, or will help her get her career started in Nashville. Awesome moment: The total stink faces Raelynn was making when she realized she didn’t have it in the bag.

On Team Christina:  Chris Mann had the highest number of votes? Eep. His pop opera treatment of “Viva La Vida” is still seared into my brain, and not in a good way. I would have picked Lindsey Paveo or Ashley De La Rosa over him. I’m sad to see Ashley go, because I really think she had potential.

All four women had to sing again, while the men were safe. Even limiting votes like on The Voice does not protect women from being eliminated early and often.


I’ll be liveblogging The Voice Quarterfinal Part 1 Results right here. We find out the two contestants from Team Blake and Team Christina respectively who will advance to the semifinals.

The Top vote getters from the two teams automatically advance. The bottom two vote getters on each team will sing for their lives. After, Blake and Christina will save 1 person from each of their teams, with the remaining contestants going home.

The Wanted perform with Team Blake.

Justin Bieber’s new music video for “Boyfriend” premieres.

Endless, unnecessary, recap first!

There’s Blake saying he eliminated Jordis Unga because he didn’t want to go against America’s decision. THAT WAS TWO WEEKS AGO. You didn’t even give us a chance to vote for her. So disingenuous.

The Wanted take the stage first with Blake’s team singing “Chasing The Sun”. What’s the point of dragging contestants into the performance?

Team Christina

On last night’s decision to eliminate Jesse – Adam respects any decision Christina makes. He would have kept around Jesse, but that’s him. Cee Lo didn’t understand her decision, but he respects it. Christina says she is fearless in the face of controversy. She has a strategy.

Chris Mann was saved by America (UGH) – He advances straight to the semifinals

Lindsey Paveo and Ashley De La Rosa will perform a last chance song.

Team Blake

Jermaine Paul is America’s Save – He advances straight to the semifinals

Raelynn and Lindsey Paveo will perform a last chance song.

Backstage with Chris and Jermaine. They are roommates “There’s something good going on in that room,” says Chris. OK!

Team Christina

Ashley De La Rosa – “You And I” by Lady Gaga – I keep saying this, but there is something about Ashley that I find compelling. She’s a raw talent, if not perfect. Adam: I didn’t believe, and then I believed. This performance was not my fav, but I’d still keep you around. Blake: Ashley has won me over too. He’d buy Ashley’s record over Lindsey’s.

Lindsey Paveo – “Please Don’t Go” – She’s back to being herself, and it’s much better. If Christina had allowed her to stay true to herself last night, she might not be singing for her life right now. Oh, she broke down at the end. It must not have been cool to hear Adam and Blake say they preferred Ashley. Cee Lo: You have such an endearing quality in your voice. Blake: There’s something so mysterious about her, that she draws you in (He’s sticking with what he said before).

Justin Beiber takes the stage to shrieks to introduce a clip of his new music video for “Boyfriend”. Are you serious? That was like, 10 seconds! Justin and Adam were planning a supergroup? Who cares.

Oh. Justin is going to premiere “Boyfriend” on The Voice finale. Zz.

Results. Christina is crying. She loves both girls. Christina saves Lindsey Paveo. Ashley De La Rosa is eliminated.

Team Blake

Blake brings his team (including Jordis) to one of his acoustic performances. He invites them to sing on stage with him.  RaeLynn OMG she’s so awful. Jordis, is of course, tremendous.

Erin Willett – “Proud Mary” – Really? This is her song pick? It’s a solid effort. She’s got a big voice, but very little finesse. Christina: I loved your spirit, and I loved your energy. Amazing effort.

RaeLynn  “If I Die Young” – Not as horrible as usual, but her phrasing is so weird. She did some wiggle thing with her voice at the end that was bizarre. Adam: I would have done a lot of things differently. It’s not a favorite of yours.

When Blake says he doesn’t know who to save, Rae Lynn gets the biggest stink face. Blake saves Erin! OMG. I am SHOCKED. RaeLynn is eliminated.

Moving on to the semifinals:

Team Blake

  • Erin Willett
  • Jermaine Paul

Team Christina

  • Lindsey Paveo
  • Chris Mann


About mj santilli 35055 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!