If you ever wondered why Steven Tyler would perform after that nasty fall he took, wonder no longer. Plus, some SYTYCD results. This is the daily numbers’ thread.
Oct. 26, 2011: Asuncion, Paraguay: Jockey Club: 31,917 of 34,700 (92%): $1,442,270
Oct. 28, 2011: Buenos Aires, Argentina: Estadio Unico Ciudad de La Plata: 38,237 of 41,413 (92%); $3,828,180
Oct. 30, 2011 : Sao Paulo, Brazil: Arena Anhembi: 29,159 of 35,114 (83%): $2,918,020
So You Think You Can Dance
Nov. 1, 2011: Bakersfield, Calif.: Tour Rabobank Arena: 2,400 of 4,503 (53%): $135,058
Nov. 2, 2011: San Diego, Calif.: Valley View Casino Center: 4,039 of 7,875 (51%): $220,912