Glee Season 4 – “Sadie Hawkins” Recap and Videos

GLEE: Kurt (Chris Colfer) joins an extracurricular class in New York in the "Sadie Hawkins" episode of GLEE airing Thursday, Jan. 24 (9:00-10:00 PM ET/PT) on FOX. ©2013 Fox Broadcasting Co. CR: Eddy Chen/FOX

McKinley’s Sadie Hawkins dance offers the girls  a rare chance to feel empowered. Sam and Blaine investigate a possible cheating scandal at Sectionals. and Kurt makes a new  friend at NYADA.

The girls of the glee club–spearheaded by Tina who has a ginormous crush on Blaine–organize a Sadie Hawkins dance at McKinley High, in which the girls ask out their dates, leading to interesting couplings among the members of New Directions.  Meanwhile, Sam is convinced that the Warblers cheated at Sectionals, and he makes it his mission to find the evidence.  In other words, New Directions gets back in the Regionals game!

Also, while attempting to find his niche at NYADA, Kurt meets the dreamy director of the school choir aptly named the NYADA Apples.  A new romance for Kurt? Stay tuned to find out!

Ashley Fink returns as Lauren Zizes. And I have one question. If she’s still a student at McKinley, how did she run for Junior Prom Queen two years ago? Questions.

I’ll be back with a full recap and videos later. In the meantime….DISCUSS.

Click to Listen to Full Songs from Sadie Hawkins

I love Klaine as much as the next Glee fan, but I have to confess. If Kurt and Blaine are destined to be apart for awhile, I’m completely A-OK with Kurt hooking up with the charming and handsome Adam for the duration.  I’m not quite as cool with Blaine’s crush on Sam.  Is there anything as hopeless as crushing on someone who can never ever return your feelings? Blaine deserves better. Ditto for Tina. And If Kurt gets to play, I think Blaine should have some fun as well.  We need a hot gay transfer student at McKinley STAT.  Besides, I like the platonic and forward thinking friendship between Blaine and Sam. Why muck with it?

The episode opens with Sam feverishly concocting a conspiracy theory around the Warblers. He’s convinced they took performance enhancing drugs to help them run faster and jump higher. While Sam’s conspiracies tend to be on the crazy side, this one has the potential to pan out. Still, it’s a pretty far fetched way to get New Directions back in the Regionals competition.   Once upon a time I thought Sam was boring, but the writers are giving Chord Overstreet some great material. His comic turns are impressive.

In the mean time, the girls find their power when they turn the tables on the guys and plan a Sadie Hawkins dance.  And wouldn’t you know. The Student Council is filled with New Directioners!  Secretary Cohen Chang proposes the dance.   Blaine doesn’t think it’s a good idea. Remember, he was bullied and beat up at public high school when he took a boy to Sadie Hawkins. That’s how he wound up at Dalton. Unfortunately, this experience is barely touched on in the episode. Which is too bad, it would have been a perfect opportunity to explore Blaine’s interior life.

Tina reveals that the idea came up at the “Too Young to Be Bitter” club of which Lauren Zizes appears to be president.  Yes, Ashley Fink is back. And it’s as if she showed up to play a completely different character.  Question:  How did Lauren run for Junior prom queen as a sophomore? GLEE LOGIC .  Other members include Tina, her wacky assistant, Sugar (Really? Since when does Sugar have trouble finding a guy?) and Becky.  Anyhoo, Blaine is outvoted by the rest of the student council and the Sadie Hawkins dance is on.

Meantime, it’s Kurt’s first week at NYADA, and he discovers the experience is a lot like high school and that once again he’s at the bottom of the pecking order.  His assumption that he and bestie Rachel would be joined at the hip is quickly dashed. She spends all of her time with boy toy Brody, who needs help auditioning for shows such as “Magic Mike the Musical.” LUCKY GIRL.  Kurt realizes that he’s got to make some friends. He considers joining some after school clubs. Ohhh. Look. NYADA has a show choir. Should he join? YES says the HOT BRITISH GUY who breezes past him. More on him later.

Finn , still in charge of Glee while Will is away, can’t think of a lesson plan for the week.  The club has been like Fugees. Like the group? Oh no HE MEANS REFUGEES.  They’ve been roaming from classroom to classroom ever since Sue took over the choir space.  Beiste suggests Finn make the Sadie Hawkins dance central to his lesson, because it’s a metaphor for empowerment.  And not just for girls, but for everyone who is sick and tired of the status quo. Whoa. And I thought it was just a dance. Or a short story. Or something.

So, Finn comes up with the WORST IDEA EVER.   Every girl will SING to whomever they want to take to the dance. Can you imagine?  It was horrible enough screwing up the courage to ask a guy out back in my teen years.  But to do it in song? In front of a classroom? Finn is a sadist. Or dumb. Or both.

New Directions nomadic travels take them to a science lab. Awesome line: Sugar “I want to sit under Venus!” Sam: “I want to sit under Uranus!” Blaine and Tina lose it. Awesome.  Meanwhile Kitty shows up to class and hints that she’s got her sights set on Jake. Marley looks devastated.

Back in New York.  It’s morning and Kurt sings while he pours himself a cup of tea.   Rachel shushes him because….she’s got a guest who is still sleeping. Yep. She and Brody have taken their relationship to the next level!  By the way, I could not be happier. I know Finchel is end game, but could we stretch out the Rachel/Brody romance as long as possible? I really like them together.   As they chat, Rachel learns that Kurt is considering joining show choir, and she about loses it. At NYADA, show choir is the absolute bottom of the food chain. If he takes that particular path, Kurt might as well resign himself to a lifetime of performing at theme parks.

Glee gathers in the boys’ locker room. That’s their practice space for the moment. Tina presents her solo, “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” which she directs straight at Blaine, garnering quite the WTF stares from her fellow clubbers.  Poor Artie, assumes he’s the likely suitor, as he and Tina dated sophomore year.  And Blaine? He ever so awkwardly turns her down.  Like I said. Finn. A terrible idea.  GIF ALERT:  During a montage while Tina sings, she stares at Blaines butt as he bends over to pick up some chalk.  You’re welcome, Glee fans. Love, the Glee producers.

“I Don’t Know How To Love Him” – Tina

So, Finn comes up with the WORST IDEA EVER.   Every girl will SING to whomever they want to take to the dance. Can you imagine?  It was horrible enough screwing up the courage to ask a guy out back in my teen years.  But to do it in song? In front of a classroom? Finn is a sadist. Or dumb. Or both.

New Directions nomadic travels take them to a science lab. Awesome line: Sugar “I want to sit under Venus!” Sam: “I want to sit under Uranus!” Blaine and Tina lose it. Awesome.  Meanwhile Kitty shows up to class and hints that she’s got her sights set on Jake. Marley looks devastated.

Back in New York.  It’s morning and Kurt sings while he pours himself a cup of tea.   Rachel shushes him because….she’s got a guest who is still sleeping. Yep. She and Brody have taken their relationship to the next level!  By the way, I could not be happier. I know Finchel is end game, but could we stretch out the Rachel/Brody romance as long as possible? I really like them together.   As they chat, Rachel learns that Kurt is considering joining show choir, and she about loses it. At NYADA, show choir is the absolute bottom of the food chain. If he takes that particular path, Kurt might as well resign himself to a lifetime of performing at theme parks.

Glee gathers in the boys’ locker room. That’s their practice space for the moment. Tina presents her solo, “I Don’t Know How to Love Him” which she directs straight at Blaine, garnering quite the WTF stares from her fellow clubbers.  Poor Artie, assumes he’s the likely suitor, as he and Tina dated sophomore year.  And Blaine? He ever so awkwardly turns her down.  Like I said. Finn. A terrible idea.  GIF ALERT:  During a montage while Tina sings, she stares at Blaines butt as he bends over to pick up some chalk.  You’re welcome, Glee fans. Love, the Glee producers.

Kurt, still deciding which club to join, is approached by the handsome and dashing British upper classman Adam, a “senior, founder and fearless leader” of the Adam’s Apples.  As it turns out, Adam saw Kurt’s incredible audition at the Winter Showcase. “We need you, we want you,” says Adam.   Kurt says thanks but no thanks. But Adam isn’t willing “to go down without a fight” and drags him to an Apples rehearsal, where he is serenaded (a la Kurt’s first meeting with Blaine at Dalton) with a pretty dreadful rendition of “Baby Got Back”.  The singing is fine. But that arrangement. Oy.  Kurt, however, is utterly charmed. By the looks of the choir, the members are pretty much the odd balls and misfits of the school. Kurt has a chance to reinvent himself here. Will he go the more conventional route, or take his place next to people he would likely feel most comfortable around? This question is not answered here.

“Baby Got Back” – Adam and the NYADA Adam’s Apples

A show of girl power:  Brittany offers to help Marley land Jake as a date to the dance.  Marley reveals that lil Puckerman has been keeping his distance ever since she fainted at Sectionals (did I miss something?).  Brittany’s solution? The two will sing a song together!  “The music usually starts when I say something like, ‘it’s Britney Bitch’ or I do one of my magical turns.” And before you know it, the girls are decked out in blue dresses singing “Tell Him.”

They dance their way into a classroom where the guys are sitting and clapping along.  Emboldened by girl bonding, Marley asks Jake to the dance and he says YES.  Kitty looks pissed.  Brittany asks Sam, and he answers yes in one of his funny voices.  Blaine looks sad.  Cheerio with her neck in a brace has her eye on Ryder!

“Tell Him” – Brittany, Marley and the Girls

Kitty confronts Jake, attempting to lure him away with promises of getting some, Left Behind Club be damned.  And despite being friends with Marley, Kitty still plans to gaslight her any chance she can. Nice.

Blaine, in what’s becoming a never-ending state of angst, is at his locker. Tina approaches him to both apologize and express dismay at being humiliated in front of the entire Glee club. (I’d chew out Finn for that last thing, to be honest).  Note: There is still a photo of Kurt up in his locker! Yay.  Tina apologizes that she forgot the story of why he transferred to Dalton.  Oh. But that’s not why he can’t go to the dance with her (And that’s all we’ll be hearing about that. Opportunity lost).  The reason has to do with his crush on Sam. BLAM!  It takes some prodding from Tina for Blaine to finally admit it. And a flash back of Sam ranting about how the Warblers; heads have become GIGANTIC due to doping, while Blaine gazes at him, totally crushing.

So as it turns out, Tina and Blaine have something in common. They are both crushing on someone who can’t possibly like them back.  They might as well go to the dance together. And with that decided—it’s a date. By the way? I love the idea of Tina and Blaine as besties.   Duet please, Mr. Murphy.

The Puckerman brothers meet at the Lima Bean. Jake is so tempted by Kitty’s offer of booty. What should he do?  Surprisingly, big brother suggests that Jake bite the bullet and stick with Marley, if he really likes her.

Cut to the streets of New York. Rachel invites Kurt to hang with her and Brody.  Kurt declines. He doesn’t want to be the third wheel.  Rachel is sure double dates are just around the corner. The man of Kurt’s dreams will show up any day now.   Well…says Kurt. There is a guy…and as it turns out, we see Adam in flashback flirting like mad with Kurt.  Not that Kurt admits to Rachel who his crush is. Why would he after Rachel turned her nose up at Adam’s Apples? (So to speak). She urges Kurt to ask him out.  “Seize the moment!” says Rachel as she crosses the street and throws herself into Brody’s arms.  Confessing to Kurt that she’s already in love–that girl be crazy.

Meanwhile, back in Ohio, big brother Puck confronts Kitty. Stay away from Jake, he says.  “He’s not interested in your skanky meow mix!”  Jake is fighting his instincts, says Puck. If Kitty REALLY likes him, she’ll back off.  “I don’t like Jake,” admits Kitty, “I’m a mean hot bitch that likes to get what she wants.”  Realizing that Jake is probably a lost cause at this point, she immediately turns her attention to Puck. She asks him to the dance. He agrees if she’ll buy him dinner. Kitty Kat has met her match.

Sadie Hawkins begins.  The ever-creative Tina has turned the gym into a winter wonderland.  Blaine compliments her on the decorations, and then admits he’s glad she asked him to the dance.  Plus, there’s no post traumatic stress disorder related to his first Sadie experience.

The boys take the stage to sing “No Scrubs” dedicating it to all of the POWERFUL women out there.  Go boyband. Go boyband. Later, Jake and Marley dance ecstatically together. But there’s a catch. With the biggest, sweetest smile on her face, and in between twirls,  Marley informs Jake that she won’t tolerate shenanigans. She’s got to be his one and only, and she won’t be putting out any time soon.  It’s a self esteem thang. Jake looks stunned.

“No Scrubs” – Artie, Blaine and the Boys

The “Too Young To Be Bitter” club cools their heels on the bleachers as the classic 80s tune, “Alive and Kicking” starts up.  Beiste sees them playing wallflowers and gives them a pep talk.  GET OUT THERE AND SPREAD YOUR PETALS she orders.   Lauren says “We’re not flowers…we’re losers.” So, since when is Zizes afraid of men? She landed the hottest piece of ass at McKinley once upon a time. Bringing her back was random, and kind of a waste, if you ask me. But we’ll let that go. The montage here set to music is pretty cool.  Beiste convinces them to seize the day. Shots of the girls asking fellas to dance is cut with Kurt approaching Adam for a date. Lauren nabs Joe, Sugar gets Artie and Adam says YES to a swooning Kurt. Back at the dance, Blaine and Tina sway to the music. It’s all cool and oh-so-Breakfast Club.  Just as Tina leans in to kiss Blaine…Sam interrupts. There’s been a BREAK IN THE CONSPIRACY. “I’m sorry , I’ve got to go,” says Blaine to a disappointed Tina as the music fades. Aw.

Now it’s the girls turn. They take the stage. Marley and Unique (who is looking fierce) duet on the mega-hit “Locked Out of Heaven.”

“Locked Out of Heaven” – Unique and Marley

Out on the dance floor, it’s a softer Kitty, with her hair down, dancing with Puck. She makes a joke about breaking her rule about Jewish guys, on “account of his people killing Jesus.”  She’s about to make him an exception except that he’s dancing like an idiot. As they trade barbs for awhile, it becomes clear that these two are a really good match. She admits that she read his screenplay and that once she got past his horrible misspellings, she saw talent.  They decide to head out to her car to fool around. “I’m pretty hungry after sex,” says Puck, “We better make it quick. The Sonic Burger closes in an hour.”  Jake watches them take off. He’s got to wonder if he’s been had…

Sam, Blaine and Finn huddle in the boys’ locker room.  Sam is still rambling on about the Warblers’ suddenly GIANT HEADS.  Plus, there’s cell phone video of a Warbler flipping out at the Lima Bean. Sam is convinced it’s Roid Rage.  It’s against the rules to dope. Sam and Blaine are convinced they can get the Warblers disqualified.  Finn is unconvinced until the boys introduce their smoking gun.  Trent! It turns out when the doping began, he quit the Warblers. Shades of Lance Armstrong and the cyclists who turned on him. So timely.  The Warblers have never been the same since Blaine left. Sebastian and Hunter are killing the group like poison.  Is Trent willing to rat out his brothers?  Stay tuned.

Back in NYC, Brody arrives 45 minutes late for a dinner date. Rachel is pissed. She’s finding her power as well.  6 months ago she would have smiled and heated up his turkey burger for him. But now, she realizes she’s worth more. Brody grabs her and describes waiting in the cold for a train that was late. He realized he’d be willing to freeze all night, knowing Rachel was at the other end. She softens up considerably at this. But before they eat, Brody wants to dance…

Cue the music at McKinley.  Ryder croons “I Only Have Eyes For You” as the couples sway.  Jake declares to Marley that he doesn’t want to be with anybody else.  Blaine is back just in time for one last dance with Tina.  He leads her onto the dance floor. As they dance, Blaine glances longingly at Sam, who is twirling Brittany around the dance floor.

Back in New York, Brody promises to find an apartment in Brooklyn. But Rachel has a better idea. Why doesn’t he move in with her? Yikes. This is the girl who was ready to marry her boyfriend before they even graduated high school. It’s about those rash decisions Rachel?

“I Only Have Eyes For You” – Ryder

The next day, the too  young to be bitter club declares victory.  Lauren has been empowered to apply for a wrestling scholarship at Harvard. (Seriously HOW IS SHE A SENIIOR? And What’s with the personality transplant? Zizes never had to find her power. She already had it) Tina declares she’s found the love of her life. “WHAT GAY BLAINE?” says Becky, always the truth-teller. Tina brushes her off, declaring the “too young to be bitter” club officially disbanded…

Enjoy these PHOTOS from “Sadie Hawkins:

About mj santilli 35174 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!