Tamar thinks last week solidified that she is a contender. Val hates that singers do not go full out during rehearsal. Tamar understands. Val finally feels after seven weeks like Tamar is ready to receive his advice. She comes right out and says she is the best dancer left in the competition. Well, hmm. That was an odd thing for the producers to include in her package. A little humility goes far for voters. But I’ll try not to let that affect my view of this routine. I don’t understand why Val feels the need so often to use so many dancers in his routines. I think he and Tamar could have nailed this on their own from the start. We have Tamar and Val back in hold again and once again, some of the chemistry is lacking. You can’t win a ballroom competition show if you aren’t in total sync with a partner. This isn’t a solo competition. On the plus side, this is one of Tamar’s better in-hold routines and it is a different kind of foxtrot so definitely memorable. Continue working on that chemistry Tamar. It is after all, week seven.

DWTS 21 Week 7 Live Blog and Performance VIDEOS

Julianne saw a mistake in the beginning that kind of made the dancing together off. She felt a disconnect. Bruno agrees because Tamar did miss a few passes. Carrie Ann agrees with both and does believe Tamar is the most natural mover in the competition. She wants to see growth. She did see some in hold but we had many mistakes.
Carrie Ann- 8
Julianne- 8
Bruno- 8
Total: 24/30
You can vote for Tamar & Val by calling 1-855-234-5612 during the show and for 60 minutes after the broadcast in each time zone. You can also vote online at abc.com and/or https://apps.facebook.com/votedwts/ (voting is combined via this method) from the start of the East Coast show till 8PM the next day (Eastern).

*Hmm. I’m not personally digging either Tamar or Val’s attitude tonight. Some have said it about Tamar since the beginning but this is the first time I am really seeing it. She needs to be careful with that because audiences do not appreciate someone who comes off like that. Just my two cents on that one.