American Idol Season 7 Redux – A Few Thoughts

I have no life + I’m procrastinating finishing a writing project (It’s exciting!   You’ll all find out soon enough what it is.) That equals me watching 5 hours of American Idol Season 7 on FOX Reality tonight.

The entire week first week of the Top 24 semi-final round aired. Here are my thoughts and revisions:

  • Robbie Carrico performed Three Dog Night’s “One” and it was better than I remembered it. At the time I slammed him for being a faux rocker, but really, his performance was pretty good.
  • Also better than I originally thought–David Archuleta performing a soulful “Shop Around”. I don’t think I’ll be taking back my critiques of his big ballads, but we’ll see…
  • David Cook’s hair was horrifying.   I mean–truly.   He hadn’t learned how to work the camera yet, but I still really love his performance of “Happy Together.”   Many of you didn’t join me on that particular bandwagon. Not yet.
  • Michael John’s hair, on the other hand, was pretty awesome, especially the 60’s mod do on Results night.   The pimping he got from the judges was pretty mighty, despite the fact the performance was a bit sub-par compared to what he’s capable of.
  • Luke Menard performed a consistently boring and off pitch “Everybody’s Talking” and was hands down the worst performance of the night. His good looks and screen-time helped advance him past fodder Colton Berry and Garrett Haley (poor Garrett was the perpetual deer in the headlights, his singout was worse than his performance, which is usually not the case.)
  • Jason Castro was every bit as good as I originally thought.   He breezed through “Daydream” like a breath of fresh air.
  • Holy crap, the stank-eye Carly Smithson gave Simon when he critiqued her performance.   He was sorta right–“Shadow of Your Smile” was a great vocal performance, but a bit old-fashioned.
  • Alaina Whitiker totally pwned Kristy Lee Cook, and should have advanced to the Top 12 instead, if you ask me. I had forgotten all about KLC’s crazy eyes. Skeery!
  • While I’m at it, either Alexandrea Lushington or Asiah Epperson should have advanced to the Top 12 instead of Ramiele Malubay. Asiah killed on “Piece of My Heart” and Alex’s “Spinning Wheel” was totally underrated by Simon. Ramiele’s “You Don’t Have to Say You Love Me” was her only decent performance of the entire competition.
  • The right contestants went home that week. Joanne Borgella and Amy Davis (especially the horribly out of tune Amy) were both terrible.
  • Brooke White sang “Happy Together” and was so incredibly…Brooke.   It didn’t matter that she wasn’t the best singer.   Her vocals and her style were refreshingly distinct.
  • I called Syesha Mercado’s performance of “Tobacco Road” screechy at the time, but listening tonight, I think she kinda nailed it.
  • Amanda Overmyer didn’t turn in a perfect performance (the scatting was a hot mess) but I did enjoy her raspy, steely performance of “Baby Please Don’t Go”.
  • So much blubbering during the eliminations.   If I’m remembering correctly, there’s lots of crying through the entire semis.

Did you watch?   What did you think?

About mj santilli 35174 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!