Could somebody who understands legalese explain this to me? Apparently, Adam Lambert is the sole defendant in a copyright lawsuit over a work called Beg For Mercy. Via
Colwel Platinum Entertainment Inc. has filed a copyright infringement lawsuit against Adam Lambert, solely. The suit was filed in the California Central District Court, here in Los Angeles, on November 1, 2011.
Plaintiff Colwel Platinum Entertainment Inc. is suing Adam Lambert for a 504 Copyright infringement case. Yesterday, the Court issued an Standing Order regarding service and discovery.
In filing suit, Colwell has lodged with the court a “Report on the Filing or Determination of an Action .. .Regarding Copyright”. The document reports that an action (CV-09062-PA-MANX) was filed regarding Copyright Registration No SRu00903661 for the work “Beg For Mercy”.
Some material that Adam and his guitarist Monte Pittman worked on prior to Adam’s Idol run is being released under the name “Beg For Mercy”. There’s a song by that title too. There’s so much pre-Idol Adam music floating around these days, it’s easy to get confused over what is what. Monte clarifies the difference between all the works in this blog post.
There are scans of small portions of the filing papers over at that don’t explain much about why Colwel Platinum Entertainment, Inc is suing him for material that’s been out of his hands for a very long time….