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Idol Headlines for 3/6/08

Is America ready for a gay ‹Idol? No finalist has ever been portrayed as openly gay during the past six seasons of …American Idol. With more details about contestants personal lives being exposed ‘ 

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Idol Headlines for 3/5/08

Idol Producer: David Hernandez’s Stripper Past “Won’t Make Any Difference” On the heels of the reveal that Ramiele Malubay has a “racy” pic or two out there, it has come to light that for three

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Idol Headlines for 3/4/08

Humility could doom David on ‹Idol David Archuleta has an incredible voice, delivers age-defying performances, has charm and charisma, and holds the front-runner status on …American Idol 7. He also has a problem: those things

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Idol Bits and Pieces

As  somebody mentioned in the Headlines thread–totally slow news day. But I have a couple of fun tidbits for you right here. The Top 16 performance shows this week WILL be LIVE. The pressure mounts!