Don’t forget! Tonight’s results show begins at 8 pm, rather than 9. Get you pool picks in by the time the show starts on the East coast!
Some of my thoughts on last night’s show…
…After the JUMP.
- Readers have noted that the 4 look tired. Yeah, they do. Nigel’s reaction to the last partner dance of the night, Courtney and Josh’s less-than-lively Jive–“That’s a dancers life, tough” was a bit harsh. It’s amazing to me these kids made it through the punishing gauntlet that is So You Think You Can Dance relatively injury free.
- The choreographers must be tired too, because there weren’t any routines that really grabbed me last night. Wade Robson’s lovely Lyrical was my favorite. Tyce Diorio’s Broadway routine–a prissy bit of fluff–for the girls was just lame. And the Russian Trepak was a little bit out of the boys league, especially at this stage of the game where the dancers are exhausted and not performing at their peak. I didn’t like the Scottish WTF??!!? routine Mia choreographed for the group, either. I’m going to use the P word again. Yeah, that was pretentious.
- The trained vs. not-trained controversy: I’m pretty sick of hearing about how Twitch and Joshua aren’t trained. If they had no training, they couldn’t have handled learning choreography. Nigel, you got your B boys into the final, how about canning the hyperbole?
- OK, confession. I started to mist up a bit when Courtney broke down during the judges comments after her solo. Loved the Nappy/Tabs Hip hop she danced with Twitch. Courtney is the best Hip Hop dancer out of the all the Contemporary girls. Her inventive solos are also always consistently watchable.
- The judges held back on any tough criticism tonight, except to make sure the audience knew that Joshua and Katee were the best dancers, and that Courtney was the weakest out of the 4. While Courtney may not have the technical perfection of Katee, I’d rather watch Courtney dance. I also have to admit that I wish Mark had made it into the finals. Not sure why Nigel had to discredit both Will and Mark to prop up his B boys.
- Having said that, Twitch and Joshua have had some great moments in this competition. But last night, both of them seemed really tired. There was one moment during the Hip Hop, when Twitch had to balance Courtney on his head, that I thought he was going to drop her. After he’s had a nice, long rest, Twitch might be the dancer to come out of SYTYCD with the most success. His humor and charisma coupled with his dancing skills will surely land him roles on Broadway and in the movies.
- Katee has mad skills, but I have to confess that I find her perfection a little…dull. While I recognize her talent while I’m watching, I don’t emotionally connect to her performances..
- Finally, if anyone other than Joshua wins tonight, I’m going to consider it a shocker. And I’m fine with that inevitable outcome. Josh has danced every single style thrown at him reasonably well at the very least, and brilliantly at his very best. Josh’s Hip Hop tricks are often stunning–his leaps are awe-inspiring. Training or no training–his versatile dance and performance skills are impressive.