So You Think You Can Dance 9 Top 10 – Recap and VIDEOS

Tonight, the So You Think You Can Dance Top 10 perform with the All-Stars for the very first time!

Audrey Case and George Lawrence Jr. are eliminated

Really surprised that Witney and Chehon were in the bottom 2 girls and guys. The voting feels really screwy this year. I was surprised at how little the ballet guy, Benjamin had to offer in the way of critiques. I was expecting him to offer more constructive criticism. Despite Nigel declaring Eliana his favorite girl, I suspect Nigel wants a showdown between the ballroom dancers for the final.  Cyrus could wind up winning for the boys. At any rate, the best technical dancer won’t win, as is usually the case.

I can’t imagine who will go home next week. Everyone stepped up their game tonight.

Group dance – “The Cool With The Stomp” – Gene Kelly would have been 100 years old tomorrow!. Gene’s wife Patricia is in the audience. WOW. She looks young. Tyce Diorio choreographed the tribute.

Tonight’s guest judge is Benjamin Millepied.

Tiffany and Brandon – Disco by Doriana Sanchez “You Make Me Feel” –  Holy leaping lifts! That was fabulous!  Doriana choreographed a  ton of crazy lifts and the two pulled them off beautifully, with a ton of energy. When Disco is done well, it’s really fun to watch.  Nigel says, “You were fantastic my darling…You brought energy and excitement. ”  “You just set the dance floor on fire,”says Mary. “Full of energy and life.” Benjamin agrees, “The two of you make a great pair.”  – 1-855-464-3701 – Text Tiffany to 83676

Witney and Nick – Jazz by Travis Wall – “Sing it Back” by Moloko – Another fantastic routine. Witney seems to be the pimped one at the moment. But it’s not without reason. She has charisma and is a beautiful dancer. She and Nick looked great together.  Benjamin thought it was excellent, “Our attention to you is completely on.” Nigel feels Witney lived up to the challenge of dancing with an all star. “You are a star,” says Nigel. “You were smoldering out there,” says Mary.  Mary thinks she could take it all the way. – 1-855-464-3702 – Text Witney to 83676

Cole and Anya – Cha Cha by Dmitry Chaplin – “I’m Glad You Came” by the Wanted –  Cole was out of his comfort zone, and it showed, particularly in his footwork. (ETA: He injured his foot and was in pain. Funny the judges didn’t mention that!) But he’s an engaging performer, even as a fish out of water. “It was amazing,” says Mary. “You did a tremendous job, but there are things going on with the footwork….chemistry not hot enough.”  “Think about more movement quality,” says Benjamin, “Think about contrast.” Nigel says, “I was a little disappointed with the contact with Anya. This has got no rise and fall. You were performing to us instead of making a connection to Anya.” – 1-855-464-4601 – Text Cole to 83676

Lindsay and Jakob – Broadway by Spencer Liff – “Dancin’ Dan” (Me and My Shadow) by Fosse –  The dancers performed on either side of a scrim, like shadows.  It’s a Fosse routine and  looked really hard to do, but was very well done. Nigel loved the routine. And Jakob’s feet. “Here you are being magnificent again,” he says of Lindsay. “Sister you have 1st class tickets on the Hot Tamale Train,” says Mary. “You’re fabulous.” Benjamin says, “I thought it was extremely well executed, musical. Great crescendo.” – 1-855-464-3703 – Text Lindsay to 83676

Will and Kathryn – Bollywood by Nakul –  Will isn’t the best dancer, but I’m not surprised he’s safe every week. He has a very engaging personality that will take him far in the competition. The routine is about a snake. Kathryn is the snake. Yes she BITES him in the end! Mary loves Nakul’s routines. “You little energizer bunny you. “Beautiful to see. Well done. Likeable.” Benjamin says, “You have a charming unique style. Really engaging.” Nigel says, ” What you do is bring personality to everything that you do.” Nigel calls Kathryn a “movie star” for her work in the latest Step Up and thanks her for coming back. –  1-855-464-4602 – Text Will to 83676

Cyrus and Jamie – Contemporary by Travis Wall –  “Outro” by M83 – Hm. I’m still waging that Cyrus has some training in his background that hasn’t been revealed.  Cyrus  the popper finally does contemporary, and it’s really impressive.  He pours a ton of emotion into his performance.  was Benjamin says, “You have this raw energy that’s so compelling to watch. You know how to partner.” Nigel says, ” You are somebody who has to dance, and it’s wonderful to see. You still have a lot to learn. This show stretches you. I think you’re brilliant.” Mary says, “Travis didn’t hold back! All the connections and transitions are really amazing. Yes the feet and legs not the best, but it’s the passion.” – 1-855-464-4603 – Text Cyrus to 83676

Chehon and Lauren – Hip Hop by Dave Shott.  “Pretty Wings” by Maxwell –  Chehon is a ballet dancer, so this performance was a challenge for him. But he is so pretty to look at, and so engaging, I didn’t notice how hard he was hitting. Nigel says, “Dave has taken that stick out of you. You’re feeling. And you had a smile. So much warmer. Mary says, “I still wanted it to be a little more funky, not the most memorable for me tonight, but you’ve accomplshed a lot tonight.” Benjamin says, “It felt like you were having fun with her…making it up as you went. Charismatic. – 1-855-464-4604 – Text Chehon to 83676

George and Allison – Jazz  by Tyce DiOrio – “Bahamut” by Hazmat Modine  – It’s one raunchy night in Paris,  only it wasn’t very raunchy. I find George to be a solid dancer, but really lackluster. Mary says, “You are an amazing dancer. This was a lot of fun. Your technique was great.  Benjamin says, “You are an amazing mover, you attacked every step with a vengeance.” Nigel says, “You technique was tremendous, but I didn’t believe your character.  You’ve got to bring the goods.”  – 1-855-464-4605 – Text George to 83676

Eliana and Alex – Contemporary by Stacey Tookey – “Bang Bang My Baby Shot Me Down” by Nancy Sinatra – Standing O for that!  And well deserved.  Beautifully executed by Eliana and it’s so nice to have Alex back! Nigel says, “You are proving to be my favorite girl this year. You truly have perfection in your technique.” Mary says, “My favorite routine tonight. That just took my breath away. You are the star of the show.” She says it’s layered like a tiramasu. Benjamin says, “Great dance, great song. Your performance was driven by so much passion.” – 1-855-464-3704 – Text Eliana to 83676

Audrey and Twitch – Hip Hop by Dave Scott – “Sincerely, Jane” by Janelle Monae – It’s a Vampire couple who hate each other. Totally Tim Burton.  Audrey seemed a little too perky for a role that, although it was comic, needed to have some edge. Benjamin says, “It was probably a little unfair to have Twitch out with you. I wanted a little more from you.” Mary says, “You made me watch you. I was totally engaged. It was really well done. You held your own.” Nigel says, “I would have liked to see more character. The dancing was terrific. The routine was so memorable.” –  1-855-464-3705 – Text Audrey to 83676

In Danger: Witney, Audrey, George and Chehon.  Audrey knows she’s toast. All four dancers will do a solo after the break.  Nigel asked the audience what they wanted. There’s some time to kill, so everyone will dance.

Solos: Witney “You’ll Find a Way”,  Audrey, “And I Am Telling You” by Jennifer Holiday, Chehon “Til Enda”, George

Benjamin’s LA Dance Project performs while the judges decide.

The decision between the judges and choreographers was not unanimous. Witney and Chehon are saved. Nigel says both George and Chehon have trouble connecting to the audience, but Chehon “takes our breath away” so he stays.

About mj santilli 35184 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!