DWTS 21 Week 8 – Dance-Off #3 – Andy & Allison Vs. Alek & Lindsay – VIDEO

I love Alek to bits but without a doubt, Andy has this. Just more samba. Alek kinda looks confused at times. I’m not sure what Andy decided to do at the end there (the worm?). All in all, for two couples having never done the samba, it showed but what can you do? You got to judge the dancing and for me, we had more dancing (and somewhat proper dancing) from Andy here.

DWTS 21 Week 8 Live Blog and Videos

Carrie Ann says both need to go work on their sambas. Julianne actually thought they did a good job. Bruno thought Andy managed to put the bounce in there. He does say Alex, as always, is so involved with his partner.
Carrie Ann picks Andy & Allison.
Julianne picks Andy & Allison.
Bruno picks Andy & Allison.
America picks Andy & Allison with 54% of the vote.