Alexa is having a hard time finding the balance of being a supporter of Carlos and dancing with Mark. Mark says she played ball last week but with one arm. Alexa is from Ocala Flordia. Not sure what was going on with her hips at the start but as soon as she met up with Mark..FIRE. Hot salsa steps and lots of shaking and shimmying. Mark did a great job here to show her off and Alexa is delivering big time. I love the performance quality in this. Alexa is totally invested in this and you can tell. Some fabulous moves here. My favorite dance of the night so far.

Click to Read Our Full DWTS Week 2 Part 1 Recap

Bruno thought it was wild and wonderful. Carrie Ann said that Alexa set the house on fire. Julianne said no denying the connection this week. She thought it was a whole other level of commitment.
Carrie Ann- 8
Julianne- 8
Bruno- 8
Total: 24/30