Dancing With The Stars – Top 8 – Performance – VIDEO

I can’t watch the show until late, late tonight, due to the Monday night Patriot’s football game that for some effing reason my local Boston ABC affiliate thinks is more important than Dancing with the Stars.

So, no live blogging tonight. I’ll post some video later tonight. Rickey.org and Idolbloglive.com live blogs the show, you might want to check them out in the meantime. Peeps will be chatting in the chat room during the show–me too since I can’t watch–so check it out!

ETA: Brooke and Derek remain in the lead with 29 points. Brooke seems to be running away with this thing. Behind her tonight, are Cody and Julianne with 28. Tied for last place: Cloris and Corky and Lance and Lacey, both with 21. What’s wrong with THAT picture?

I’m picking Toni and Alec to go home this week. A combination of low scores and poor fanbase may send her packing.

Tomorrow night: Brian Setzer and his Orchestra.

ETA:   Video and re-cap after the JUMP…

Lance and Lacey – West Coast Swing – Lance admits that he almost got kicked out of Nsync because his dancing sucked. He feels he has much to prove. Lacey’s specialty is the West coast swing, and her Dad, who is considered the King of Swing drops by to help them out. Their performance is fine…until Lance slips and falls. Oops. But the judges hardly notice that, and instead harp on the fact that Lacey uses Lance as a prop, dancing around him rather than with him. Their scores suffer, unfairly, I think. – 21

Toni and Alec – West Coast Swing – Toni wants to make it to the Top 3 or 4, and Alec works with her on her posture and technique toward that goal. She needs the high scores, as she doesn’t seem to have much of a fan base. I thought she really improved this week, but the judges are not impressed at all. Bruno calls them out on some steps–like the moon walk–that aren’t part of West coast swing. Carol Ann tells Toni that her breakthrough is going to have to wait another week. That is, if Toni has another week. – 22

Susan and Tony – The Hustle – During rehearsal, the injury Susan sustained a few weeks ago flairs up, and she looks goes to the hospital to have it checked out. Turns out she fractured her ankle. Susan looks like she’d break in half if you blew on her, she looks so thin and frail. Her dancing, as usual is tentative and careful. The judges call her out on it. Len tells Tony not to treat Susan like a “China doll”. The scores reflect the judges lack of enthusiasm. Susan will be OK, she’s got her “All My Children” peeps to back her up. – 22

Warren and Kym – The Hustle – Warren is dragging and he asks Kym to push him, so she makes the choreography more challenging. Whoa, now that’s the hustle. Way more energetic and fun than Susan and Alec. Warren really knows how to move. And the judges agree. Lot’s of kudos for Warren. Only 25 points for that? Really? Even after all the gushing? – 25

Cloris and Corky –   The Salsa – Will Cloris be able to stay out of the bottom 2 this week? Corky coaches her on her acting, because, emphasizing the dancing really is pointless. As usual, Corky does all of the heavy lifting, but it still isn’t very good. And it’s not very amusing, either. At this point, the judges refuse to critique her, and like last week, the scores are too high, even if she was playing a “Skanky Ho.” – 21

Maurice and Cheryl – The Salsa – Maurice thought the scores were unfair last week. Cheryl is cranky, because she’s not comfortable with the salsa. She calls Maurice lazy. Bitch! The stress seems to help. Their salsa has some great choreography and moves! Very nice this week. The judges like it too, they call it energetic, flirtatious and self possessed. I thought Maurice was on the bubble last week, but with this week’s praise and good scores, he and Cheryl are back in the game. – 27

Brooke and Derek – The Jitterbug – Derek has never done the jitterbug so he uses instructions from the internet. Seriously. Derek, who thinks the jitterbug needs to look like a cartoon is way more animated than Brooke. What Brooke lacks in animation, however, she makes up in natural dance skills. As always, the judges heap praise on the couple, who can do no wrong in the judges eyes. Brooke comes out in the lead once again. – 29

Cody and Julianne – The Jitterbug – Ohh, let’s pit sister against brother! Like her brother, Julianne doesn’t know the jitterbug. Brooke and Derek stop by to spy. Look, it’s Lucy and Ricky! Literally. Cody has a tendency to look stiff and awkward when he dances, and tonight is no exception. However, the judges disagree with me! Cody gets props for his acting skills. What about the dancing? Looks like a fake competition is being set up between the siblings. 28

About mj santilli 35173 Articles
Founder and editor of mjsbigblog.com, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!