Big Brother 15 Live Feeds Spoilers (Final 5 Nomination Spoilers)

Big Brother 15 Spoilers! Early this evening the Head of House got to put up his two nominations for eviction. Come on in to find out who is on the block.


Earlier today Spencer who actually did something constructive and won a competition explained to GM that she would be on the block as the pawn this week. Since he volunteered to be on the block for her she owed him a favor so he called it in so that he wouldn`t have to stress over the decision even though I am pretty sure GM would have gone up even if he wasn`t owed a favor from her.

The plan right now is for McCrae to follow Amanda and Elissa to the Jury House leaving the Exterminators to end the season on a whimper. Spencer and Andy have explained to McCrae that he is on the block as a pawn and say that they are doing a Guys Alliance which McCrae foolishly seems to be buying. It amazes me how much faith he has in Andy never seeming to doubt that he was the one that stabbed Amanda in the back.

They haven`t really discussed it but if McCrae wins the veto it appears that GM will be the one heading to the jury but I think it would be smarter to take out Judd at this point. At this point Andy seems untouchable by Spencer so unless something crazy happens before the Wednesday eviction Andy will sail into the final four.

I am looking forward to the Veto and hoping for a McCrae win so that Spencer will actually need to sweat about his decision.