America’s Got Talent 7 – The Semi-Finals Part 2 Recap and Videos

Live Blogging America’s Got Talent!

Hm. The last half was bottom heavy with talent. But I think these three acts will go through: David Garibaldi and his CMYKs, Olate Dogs and Tim Hockenberry.  The Lightwire act looks good, but doesn’t translate well on television. The kiddie tango dancers were adorable, but there were more compelling acts that came after them.

Tim Hockenberry will go through, because he’s the type of act who usually wins the entire competition. But next week’s final will have 6 acts. Dividing up the votes six ways is how the producers will block a male retro singer from winning again.

The 12 remaining semi-finalists compete for 3 spots. Sharon calls it a “celebration” for those who have made it so far. OoooKay.

“All That” – Manly man guy cloggers – Sharon wants to see them with their shirts off. Will they do it? They’ve got a trick up their sleeves, apparently. Guy out front, like Howard suggested last week. They’re doing like a pyramid thingy to start off. They all jump to the floor and SET THEIR SHOES ON FIRE. All righty then. That doesn’t last long. Now they are dancing in water. A couple of little solos…Eh. It’s still boring. Sharon liked it, even if they did not take their shirts off. Howie still isn’t impressed. Howard likes that they took his advice. America’s Got Talent 7 – 1-866-602-4801

All That!, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got Talent… by HumanSlinky

Sebastien De Oro – Mariachi kid singer – Zzzzz. He’s singing in Spanish this week. I’ll bet he’s a hit at festivals, communions and wedding parties, but this is not an act, He’s not even a great singer. Howie loves Hispanic culture, so he loves Sebastien. Howard admits he’s not a mariachi fan, and his voice needs work, but he’s got an amazing presence. “Everything was absolute perfection,” says Sharon, “I hope America picks up the phone for you.” Oh. He sang an opera song. – 1-866-602-4802

Sebastien “El Charro De Oro”, 2nd Semifinal ~… by HumanSlinky

The Magic of Puck – I don’t even remember this guy. Oops. Oh. He did the trick with the dancing hankies. Zzzzz. Oh no. More hankerchiefs. He levitated his wife under a satin sheet, then she appeared in a glass box. It was executed well. But one of the oldest tricks in the book. Howard really liked it, “Well done.” Sharon calls it “flawless.” Howie couldn’t see the trick. “It was truly a great magic act,” he said. – 1-866-602-4803

The Magic of Puck, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

Clint Carvalho – Oh right. His flying parrot. But that was actually pretty clever. Kitty, the bird did all sorts of tricks including mailing a letter, flying through hoops, taking a soda can from Sharon’s hand. Apparently he has hundreds of birds and lots of tricks. Howie says it feels like an amusement park show, rather than a Vegas thing. Howard agrees. But, he respects the way he’s trained the birds. But not a million dollar act. – 1-866-602-4804

Clint Carvalho, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

Jacob Williams – Wry comic – Yikes. He sorta bombed. Overall, I think his material is better, but his delivery was awful. I think he’s got potential, but he’s not going through tonight. Howie really likes him. Sharon awkwardly critiqued him. Howard said he stumbled because he was nervous and lacked confidence. He’s right. – 1-866-602-4805

Jacob Williams, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

Shanice and Maurice Hays – Father and Daughter singing duo. They’ve got a huge gospel choir singing behind their Mariah Carey cover, totally drowning them out. She’s a better singer than him, but they’re mediocre and too old school. Howard thinks Maurice should have let his daughter shine a little more. Sharon agrees with Howard–Shanice needs to be front and center. Howie thinks Shanice is a star and should go solo. It’s too much of a cheesy cruise act with the father. Dad prattles on about their song choice, He is definitely in charge. It’s a little creepy. – 1-866-602-4806

Shanice & Maurice Hayes, 2nd Semifinal ~… by HumanSlinky

All Wheel Sports – This group does a mixture of dance and bike riding. Tonight, the lights are off and everyone’s in black light. Good thing that didn’t last long, because it didn’t translate well on TV. There’s a trampoline, acrobatics hanging from climbing wires. Oooh. a guy just wiped out on his bike. It’s a very busy scene. “Very entertaining,” says Sharon. Howard admires what they do, but he was looking for an “oh wow” moment. It wasn’t there. Howie thinks it’s amazing and scary. “Cirque du Soleil meets the X Games.” It looks like a big mess on TV. – 1-866-602-4807

All Wheel Sports, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

Tim Hockenberry – “Imagine” by John Lennon – He’s the kind of act that ALWAYS wins AGT. Howard predicts he won’t make it. I bet he does. The panel has been working hard to throw singers under the bus. They REALLY don’t want one to win this year. But in the end? America votes. Tim’s Joe Cockerish throw back vibe will resonate with AGT’s core audience.  Howie thinks there’s too much talent tonight for him to advance. THINK AGAIN HOWIE. Sharon found his performance refreshing. She loved it. Howard was moved by his performance. Howard thinks he deserves a spot in the final. Then he weirdly mentions the “guy” who murdered John Lennon. “I hope he rots in hell.” says Howard. Uhm. Ok. – 1-866-602-4808

Tim Hockenberry, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

The Untouchables – Kiddie Dance Act choreographed by Miami All Stars guy –  These kids are well trained. VERY well trained. The act is a huge group tango and is very impressive. Howard loved it. He’s amazed by their proficiency. The more he compliments them, the more they cry. Howie tells them they did amazing. Sharon says, “Your technique is so locked in. Everybody at home vote.”  There’s one little girl who is crying one second, and laughing another. She’s only 8 years old and the youngest member of the team.  She keeps crying. – 1-866-602-4809

The Untouchables, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

Olate Dogs – Super cute doggie act! Sharon is BEGGING people at home to vote for them. Howard says it’s a tough vote. He also loves the dogs! “You guys have to be in the finals,” he says. Howie also wants America to vote! I think the adorable doggies and their tricks will be going through. – 1-866-602-4810

Olate Dogs, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got Talent… by HumanSlinky

Lightwire Theater – Epic battles between mythic creatures played out in light probably looks pretty amazing live. But not so amazing on my TV. So I have to wonder, even as the judges praise them, if they will impress viewers at home enough to get them to vote. Howie says they deserve to go to the finals and their own headline show. Sharon is convinced they will headline a show. “It was perfect,” she says. Howard likes their originality. – 1-866-602-4811

Lightwire Theater, 2nd Semifinal ~ America’s Got… by HumanSlinky

David Garibaldi and his CMYKs – Street painter Hip Hop guys – They paint pictures while doing a b boy thing. Tonight, they painted the statue of liberty. Howard thinks they need to get to the painting faster, but thinks they’ll go through. Sharon hopes they go through. Howie calls David “a creator”. – 1-866-602-4812

David Garibaldi & His Cmyk’s, 2nd Semifinal ~… by HumanSlinky

About mj santilli 35187 Articles
Founder and editor of, home of the awesomest fan community on the net. I love cheesy singing shows of all kinds, whether reality or scripted. I adore American Idol, but also love The Voice, Glee, X Factor and more!