Big Brother 15 Episode 5 Discussion and Recap *Updated with Poll*

The show continues tonight with the end of the Head of House competition since it did not all air on Wednesday night and the new Head of House will nominate two people for eviction.

Come back later for my recap and as always feel free to discuss the show below.

ETA: Until Eric is back with his recap here’s a video of the houseguests DISCUSSING the racism in the house. Both Aaryn and Gina Marie are outed. There was such an outcry when the racism surfaced on the live feeds, that the network couldn’t continue to ignore it.


After a quick recap of last week’s activities we get down to footage of last Wednesday’s HoH competition.  House Guests will need to work together to fill a bucket with BBQ Sauce.  They will need to work together while pouring sauce from one cup to the other and into the bucket. There is also a second smaller bucket which can be filled to get access to bigger scoops.

I’m not really sure why people would take the time to fill the smaller bucket but if you want to throw HoH then might as well take the excuse.

Aaryn says that she wants to win because she can’t trust anyone.  We are then treated to some reactions from after David was eliminated. Aaryn cries, Elissa thanks America for the MVP, Nick lies to Gina Marie about the vote. Most people actually try filling the smaller bucket to get the bigger scoops while Aaryn/Jeremy and Andy/Elissa go right to work on the bigger jug.

Howard/Jessie and Judd/Nick get access to the larger scoops and start gaining ground but it looks like it will be too little too late as it is a two horse race between Aaryn/Jeremy and Andy/Elissa. After a tight race Aaryn and Jeremy win and we are treated to Jeremy tooting his own horn. Aaryn says that she won it for David and she is coming for the rest of the house.

Jeremy and Aaryn have to work between each other who win be HoH. Spencer wants Jeremy to take control but he wisely lets AAryn have it because she won’t nominate him and he will get to play in the next HoH competition.

As HoH Aaryn gets to also choose the Have-Nots and she tries to call out who voted out David. No one steps up so she chooses Elissa, Helen, Candice, and Andy. Of course those are her choices. No shockers here.

In the house Aaryn is trying to figure out who voted out David. Jeremy is trying to get her to move on since it is a new week. Spencer covered his tracks by telling Candice to vote for Elissa while he had all intentions of voting out David. He is using Candice to cover for him.

In the Have Not room Helen is having a mini break down. Elissa talks her down and they vow to last longer than Aaryn. Andy takes the time to tell the truth to Aaryn and by truth he means lie, lie, lie.

It’s time to see AAryn’s HoH room.  It’s kind of funny how no one actually wants to see the room but Andy puts it best when he says “How often do you get to see baby pictures of the devil so this could be fun.”

Aaryn says it is bitter sweet since she wanted to share the HoH room with David. And there is the creepiest clown ever. In the HoH they are still trying to figure out who voted out David. They start talking about who to nominate and Jeremy is there to deflect the Moving Company. He pushes for Elissa and Helen.

She also says that anyone who voted out David has no heart. This coming from someone who barely has a heart themselves. She also threatens Nick’s privates if he was one of the people who voted for David. I would like to think she is joking but she scares me.

For the Have-Not menu for the week we get Liver and Lima Beans. Aaryn says that she wouldn’t wish it on her worst enemy. But them doubles back and says maybe she would as the camera zooms in on Elissa.

We then get to the business of the racist remarks from Aaryn and Gina Maria. I won’t actually write what was said (if you want to know you can find it online) but it was good that CBS took the time to actually show the comments. Amanda says the most understated comment when she says that the comments will hurt Aaryn inside and outside the game.  I think that CBS felt they had to step up since two house guests lost their jobs outside the house with a third (Spencer who wasn’t highlighted in the package) close to losing his. The real test will be to see if Julia addresses it on Thursday’s live show.  But it is a good step forward for the show.

In the Have-Not room Candice and Helen start piecing together the Moving Company alliance although they still appear to be uncertain of exactly what is happening.

Jessie notices that every time she goes near Nick he runs away.  Everyone has a lover in the house and now she wants one.  She starts following Nick everywhere and as a guy I can say this is not how you land a future husband.  It’s actually quite awkward as they sit on a bed staring at each other with Jessie wanting to jump him and Nick just wanting to get away.

Helen takes Aaryn aside and tries to play talk game. She comes up with the idea to use each other to vote out friends later in the game. The fact that Helen is only approaching her to talk game when she is HoH apparently offends Aaryn cause that is something that should offend you and now being a bigot.  But she is open to using Helen later in the game.

The Moving Company is in the back yard talking names and Jeremy wants Elissa gone while Spencer and Nick are pushing Amanda as a nominee. Spencer wants Amanda gone because he feels she is in the middle of the house and the last one blocking the Moving Company.

Jeremy pushes Elissa and Amanda to Aaryn as nominees with Amanda the one going. Jeremy is working for the Moving Company so he blames Amanda for David leaving and seems to be working his magic on her.

It’s time for the Nomination Ceremony and Aaryn is looking for Justice for David with her nominations. She starts by pulling out Jeremy’s key, followed by Kaitlin,  Andy, Nick, Judd, McCrae, Gina Marie, Spencer, Jessie, Amanda, Howard, and Candice.

The Nominations are Elissa and Helen. Elissa is on the block because she was the reason David went home and Helen is guilty of association. She choose Helen because she wants Elissa to feel what it is like to have her best friend in the house on the block with her since David went home.

Come Back Wednesday for the Power of Veto and MVP nominations.  Also apparently a past House Guest will be featured with some surprising news for the House Guests. Corey will be recapping Wednesday and Live Blogging Thursdays eviction ceremony so be sure to come on over.