Big Brother 15 Episode 19 Discussion and Recap *Updated with Poll*

It’s another episode of Big Brother. Tonight we will see the PoV competition and ceremony. Who will be the two HGs facing eviction tomorrow night.

I will be back later with my recap and as always feel free to comment below.


This would have been up earlier but I decided to watch Pardon the Interruption and Masterchef first. My apologies if you have been waiting for it but I figured no one will really care overall.

Let’s jump right in after the nomination ceremony. Andy says that he needed to put Jessie and Spencer because it is best for his game. Usually I would disagree but as I said on Sunday in this case it is a good move for Andy because Jessie is after his alliance and she needs to go.

Amanda is really happy Andy followed her suggestions for the nominees while Helen is now questioning who Andy is really in an alliance with.

Andy takes Spence aside and tells him that he is safe and that Jessie is the target. Spencer says that he trusts Andy but the DR Spencer says he doesn’t trust anyone in the house. In the HoH room he lies to Jessie telling her she is safe. He hates lying to her face but needs her to feel like she is safe.

Over in the Have Not room Amanda pushes to make a final four deal with McCrae, Andy, and Aaryn. Aaryn thinks that this alliance will do her better than working with Helen so she jumps on board. They start the Big Brother tradition of coming up with a horrible Alliance name and after some bad ones like Triple A and McCrae they settle on 3 A.M. and move on. At least it is better than the Quack Pack.

Up in the HoH room Helen says she understand Andy’s nominations because he is not as Guns a Blazing as she is. This made me laugh out loud since no one left in this house is Guns a Blazing. Helen is having doubts on Andy’s game and says she needs to keep Andy close so that he is on Team Helen. Andy for his part knows he is walking a fine line and needs to be careful to not allow Helen to realize that he is more on the Amanda side then on the Helen side.

Helen is telling Elissa that she is worried because Andy is playing to safe and expresses that she thinks he may be more aligned with Amanda and McCrae then them. Andy tells Amanda about Helen wanting to go after stronger players without saying that she is after Amanda and McCrae.

Amanda comes up with a crazy plan to have McCrae and Andy offer Helen a final three deal. Amanda thinks that there is no way that Helen would nominate her alliance mates so getting them to have a fake alliance will benefit them. They agree on having McCrae approach her first without Andy with him and that they will push keeping Elissa and Amanda until final five so as soon as they have the chance they can target Helen.

Let me just say that if Helen falls for this plan then she deserves to go home. I can see her agreeing to it but she would be crazy to believe that McCrae will turn on Amanda at this point. He approaches Helen and she says that he wants a plan since he doesn’t think anyone would beat Amanda. McCrae says that he wants to take Helen and Andy since they play a similar game. Helen says that she is open to this and in the DR proves that she has actually bought the story. Poor delusional Helen thinking that McCrae would cut loose and turn on Amanda.

It’s time for the PoV competition and Jessie says she doesn’t want Amanda or McCrae to play. This of course means one of them will be playing. The competitors will be Andy, Jessie, Spencer, Amanda, Helen, and Elissa.

Helen takes Andy and McCrae aside and tries to solidify the plan to go final three. Helen is really seeming to buy the plan (again she is crazy to buy this) and Amanda comes in to talk strategy for PoV. Elissa comes in as well and they make a plan to throw the competition to Helen. Of course this plan is assuming a certain type of PoV competition. Amanda hatches this plan to try to gain trust with Helen. Again I really want Helen to be smart enough to see through this but I have my doubts. Andy and McCrae approach Spencer about folding to Helen and he nods his head but in the DR says there is no way he would throw a PoV when he is on the block.

It’s time for the PoV competition and it is a counting competition. They will need to guess numbers and then can either stay or fold. If they stay and are further way from the actual number they are out. If they fold they can’t win a movie ticket but stay alive. First to three tickets wins.

Spencer would have won the first ticket but he folded so it goes to Helen since she was the only one who stayed. In round two everyone but Helen folds so she gets the ticket. Elissa would have won if she stayed. On round three Helen and Spencer stay and Spencer wins it and actually knocks out Helen.

People are actually mad that Spencer didn’t throw the challenge. Everyone is now playing to win and Elissa says that she is a math wiz so she is ready to go. Every one stays except Jessie and Spencer. Andy wins the round and Amanda is out.

She is pissed that Spencer didn’t fold and now is not sure she wants Jessie out. In the next round Spencer is the only one who folds and Elissa gets a ticket and Jessie knocks herself out. There is one round left and winner wins PoV. For some reason Elissa folds on the last round and eliminates herself. She realized too late that she made a stupid mistake but it wouldn’t have mattered anyways since Andy was closer and wins the PoV. Amanda is happy that Andy won while Helen is hoping Andy takes a shot at Amanda.

I am mixed on Spencer’s decision. On one hand I hate the idea of throwing a challenge but on the other hand Amanda likes to hold grudges against people and not throwing the challenge has put him on her hit list.

They are now more worried about Spencer because he is harder to read and are doubting their decision to vote out Jessie. Spencer comes into the HoH room and tries to defend his decision to not throw the challenge. He says that he was stressing out when he played and even tries to say that he wouldn’t have played the veto if he won which he can’t even say with a straight face.

Andy says they need to keep an eye on Spencer since they know he doesn’t trust them.

Jessie takes the time to make her pitch to Andy, She pitches backdooring Amanda and says that both she and Spencer would be appreciative and Helen and Elissa would still trust him. He would only have McCrae after him with this plan. The plan actually is a good one but Andy is too tried into the alliance with Amanda/McCrae to give it any real thought. He says he will take time to think about it but it’s only a matter of time before Andy spills the beans to Amanda since that is how he plays.

Helen grabs McCrae and tells him that she wants to get rid of Amanda by the final six which stops McCrae in his tracks as he knows Helen needs to go soon since she wants Amanda gone. Up in the HoH room there is a 3 A.M. meeting and Amanda expresses that Helen revealed to McCrae that she wants Amanda gone.

Andy thinks about back dooring Helen and actually doing something interesting. He is nervous about making a big move but at some point you have to do something big in this game. It is time for the PoV ceremony and we get some pleads from Jessie and Spencer. Jessie says she would love for him to use it on her but understands if he keeps it the same. Spencer says he would also love it to be played but says that Andy hasn’t done anything intelligent all week and he doesn’t expect him to do something now. Spencer is the new Zingbot this season.

And of course Andy plays it scared and safe. He keeps the nominations the same as the episode ends. Andy says that Spencer needs to keep himself in check with the jokes. I just don’t think it was a joke. Jessie says that she will keep playing hard and vote to stay in the house.

Helen is upset Andy didn’t go for Amanda but thinks McCrae gave her the green light to take out Amanda so she will look for the best time to go for it. Amanda says that she is happy to not be on the block and trusts Andy now so next week they can go after Helen or Spencer. It all depends on what she wants. Sadly I actually agree that it all depends on what she wants.

And that is the end. Did GinaMarie actually say anything this episode?

Cory will be Live Blogging the Live Eviction tomorrow and posting the Power Rankings this weekend. I will be back on Sunday with my recap.