Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [VETO CEREMONY SPOILERS]

So, McCrae won the veto yesterday, and the veto ceremony took place a little while ago.

McCrae has used the veto on Candice, and Elissa is the replacement nominee.

In other news, “everyone in the house wants Elissa out.” This is in quotes because the majority of the houseguests believe it to be true. However, McCrae, Judd, Amanda, Helen, and a few others are working on a secret plan to evict David. Jeremy and some of the other guys remain clueless about this plan. 24/7GameTalkAmanda has been leading the front. They all believe Elissa will win MVP for the remainder of the summer, so Amanda is basically telling Elissa repeatedly, “If we save you, you’re going to be our nomination slave for the rest of the summer and nominate who WE want nominated. If you deviate from the plan, we cut you.” Amanda’s coming on really hard about this, but Elissa doesn’t really have another option.

Check back for more updates later!
