Spoiler Alert!

The new nominee for eviction (nominated by the BB MVP) is: David

Though we do not know the BB MVP’s identity with 100% certainty, it APPEARS  to be Elissa.

Veto Players: McCrae, Candice, Jessie, Elissa, David, _____, and ______.

The Veto Competition has ended, and the winner is McCrae.

Relationship & Alliance News
McCrae and Elissa have a “secret alliance” right now, but he could easily be playing her. If one of the nominees comes off of the block, the plan is to put up Elissa. Everyone in the house seems to be annoyed with her, which leads to her complaining. I do feel for her though. I’m nothing like my siblings, so I certainly wouldn’t fault Elissa just for being Rachel’s sister..

Anyway, it appears that the target for the week is up in the air between Elissa and David.

Meanwhile, Amanda has been talking game 100% non-stop. She is buddy-buddy with GinaMarie, Howard, Helen, Aaryn… She needs to watch how much she says. It’s fine to talk to people, but when you’re talking game to EVERYONE in the house…people start to talk…and it hits the fan. We’ll see.

Jessie, Kaitlin, and Jeremy are in an awkward showmance triangle. Jeremy is interested in Kaitlin, but she’s unsure of how she feels. Jessie, on the other hand, is completely into Jeremy. Thus, all Jessie can do is talk crap about the other girls. Ugh.

