Big Brother 15 Daily Updates [HoH WINNER SPOILERS]

Tonight, Howard walked out the door in a 7-1-0 vote, and the battle for HoH began.

After hours of holding onto those bull horns, GinaMarie has become the Head of Household for the week. This has it’s good points and bad points. Perhaps the best aspect of this is that GinaMarie has been a pretty big floater lately, so she’s going to have to show some of her cards this week and it should make for entertaining television/feeds.

It appears she may nominate Candice and Jessie? In one of the boxes, Helen won the opportunity to ask 3 people to attend a BB BBQ with her, and she chose Aaryn, Elissa, and the third spot is going to be fought over in a mini-competition, it seems. Jessie asked Helen why she picked Aaryn, and when she said it was because Aaryn upheld her end of the deal, Jessie just walked away. Helen and Aaryn had a conversation in the cockpit a little bit ago, where they talked about this, and they both think Jessie is super shady. They think that they can get GinaMarie to nominate Jessie [even though she made a deal with her for safety in the HoH Competition], and if Jessie wins the Veto, they can put up Spencer.

Assuming America still hates Aaryn, she’ll probably be the third nominee for eviction. That means that Elissa, Amanda, Judd, Andy, and McCrae could be voting this week. In other words the Goof Troop controls the vote yet again.

Tomorrow I’ll update on the exact nominees. Stay tuned, y’all.
